Thursday, May 7, 2009

If They Can Fight.... So Can I!

I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2

God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

We are so truly blessed by God, he does give us all we need, now some might think ( like my own children) that they don't get all they want, but they truly do have all they NEED. God does see to this! I am truly blessed and thankful for the many gifts, great or small, that are God given gifts.

I ask that each of you please be praying for Christian, her link is under our friends list. She found out yesterday that her cancer is back. Christian is such a sweet and vibrant young lady. Let's all please encourage her and her family and keep them in prayer. As you know, this is not good news, and the road for them will be limited. We have faith, and we will pray with faith in a much needed miracle for Christian.

Morgan is back inpatient :( Please send her notes and encourage her. If you read her CB site, you can see how discouraged she is right now. Let's be guilty of Team Believe leaving to many messages on her site!!!! :)

Clay may be getting out of the "impatient" status today!! This is a huge step for him. Continue to keep him and his family in prayer. Way to go Clay! We are so proud of him, and happy for them to "bust out of the joint".

I have not checked today, but as of yesterday we have a good start on people getting registered for the marathon for this year! WooHoo!! Keep it up! Let's raise money, money, money $$$$$$$$!!! Instead of these kid's having to fight for life, let's fight for them so no other children have to!!! How hard can it be to participate in this event and ask our friends and family and the business that we support to join us and support St Jude. When you think ...." I just can't do that, I just can't ask anyone for money" ... go read some of the links from these kids and see what they are having to do and go through, and they can't say " I can't" or "I don't want to". Think about it :) I truly appreciate each one of you who so willingly spend your own time and money to travel to Memphis, pay for meals out for the weekend, pay for hotel etc. just to come join us for this fabulous weekend of events for our team. As you know, our child to honor this year is Mary Kate Rushing and we want to make her so proud of us. Her mom, Regina, is such a wonderful inspiration to everyone she comes in contact with. She along with Mary Kate and Alyson have touched so many lives, we want to touch them back with our support. Regina is so determined to fight to help find a cure for childhood cancer. She joins so many other parents that have walked this road, let's walk/run it with them by joining them in their determination to help raise money to fund St Jude and it's research. How hard can this be for us?

More later...



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