Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time Crunch...

Tomorrow is the last day for team competition for our fundraising. This does not mean that we can not continue to turn in money raised, it just means the competition will end for top spots and incentives.

If you are holding any checks, you can over night them tonight and have them in the ALSAC office by tomorrow and they will be counted. They do not have to be posted by tomorrow, just in the office by close of business tomorrow. They close at 4:30 pm

I am VERY proud of how well we are doing. In this economy, I was not sure. Donations overall seem a little down, but I am definitely seeing the hearts of people opening up to help out St Jude! For this I am so thankful. This hospital means so much to me and I know to you as well. Even though the competition part will be ending tomorrow, that by no means is the ending to continued fundraising. We can continue to turn in money for several weeks after the marathon. So.... keep it up!

I want to post CONGRATULATIONS to the following people for reaching or surpassing their goals for their personal goals:

Allison Fuller
Brenda Bradley
Lenzy Garner
Julie Crum


I personally am $600.00 short of my goal, so I will be beating the streets, email and facebook trying to get that last 600.00 by close of business tomorrow... but I will not stop there!!!

Team dinner on Friday night Dec. 4th at 6:30. Look forward to everyone getting here!



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