Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Victory, Sweet Victory!

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30-31

Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ
I Corinthians 15:57

Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.
Psalm 60:12

I have to be quite honest with you today, I don't know where the words are going to come from for you, from me today. As many of you gathered with us in the Prayer/Chat Room last night as we prayed for Reagan and her family, our friend Ben Powell and the Easterling Family in the loss of Ben's friend Joey, for our much loved and very loyal prayer warrior BBrewer (BB) for the safe travel for her and her family to be with her sister in law in her final days, it just seems at times our hearts get so heavy. All I could do this morning was turn to the scriptures that remind me of the sweet victory we have in Jesus. We love these families and these children and we hurt when they hurt. There seems to be so many suffering at this time, but I feel we must continue to look to our Lord and Savior for peace, comfort, and the wisdom to know how best to reach out to these families. Prayer and our faith in prayer plays a big part in us being able to be a support to the families.

Please keep a watch on Reagans caringbridge site, link is on our page, and keep them in your prayers at this time. We will keep Reagan and family in our hearts and prayers and continue to pray for Reagan's miracle. We know all things are possible in God. Let Amy and the family know you are praying for them. She needs as much encouragement as she can get, she is not alone!

While so many are having a difficult time at this point, there are so many wonderful things going on that we must be thankful for as well. We must pray for those in need and pray a prayer of praise and give God the glory for the good news for others.

First on the list for today, Praise God, we give God all of the glory for Jordan and his amazing journey. Jordan has arrived in Memphis today for check-ups and is scheduled for surgery on Friday to remove his ports that have been used for treatment for his leukemia. Let's get rid of what we no longer need!! Jordan has been cancer free for over one year now, actually he is about 4 months shy of being cancer free for two years now! God has blessed Jordan and his family, and I feel we have all been blessed by being able to have followed and witnessed his victory over his cancer.

Next up, please be praying today for Salena and her donor. At this very minute her donor is being harvested for his cells for Salena to receive tomorrow in her transplant. We praise God and give Him the glory for Salena being brought through her battle with her cancer to this point and we pray that God will continue to be with her and protect her kidneys and lungs through the transplant process. This is a high risk transplant, but we know that with God all things good and great are possible. We will have prayer night in our chat room tonight for the success for Salena's transplant. We first posted that we would begin around 7pm, however we feel more people will be able to join us if we move it back a little. So at this time we will plan on beginning at 9pm Memphis time. If this is not a good time for you, please feel free to join in the room at any time and just let whom ever is in the room at the time know that you have come in to offer up prayers for Salena. This group will stop and pray for anyone in need at any time. We hope that LaDonna and some of their family and friends will be able to join us this evening.

For someone with no words, this is getting rather long today so I will simply ask that you check the links of the children on our page and pray for them and send them messages of encouragement. Let them know you are from Team Believe.

One more thing I want to share with you, On Thursday evening St Jude will be hosting a Teen Prom for the teen patients. This is such a special evening for these teens. I will share more about this later, and I'll post pictures of this years event on Friday, or over the weekend. This is just one more of the many wonderful things that St Jude does for these kids, at no cost to them I might add. This comes complete with prom dresses, tux, limo's, hair, nail and make-up and even a Red Carpet Walk!! I wonder if I can "blend in" with the crowd and join in on the teen fun?? Don't worry, I am not going to crash the fun! I am very thrilled that the teens have this to look forward to as many of them miss the proms at their schools. Thumbs up to St Jude!!

I must get out of here... getting ready to go see my boy Jordan!

Share your love, your heart and your faith with those around you today :)

Believe-Prayer Works

Team Believe

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed last night. We went to Tulsa yesterday for a funeral---for the mom of one of our dearest friends here in Texas. No cancer thankfully---just the sands of time ran out. Jon
