Saturday, April 4, 2009

Many Needing Our Prayers Today

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. I Peter 4:10

This past week has been a long and emotional week for many. This weekend at St Jude is the Remembrance Weekend for families who had children who earned their wings this past year. I want to ask you to please keep them in mind and in your prayers. While being able to remember and celebrate each child, it is still difficult emotionally for them. Sully and Ethan have been very much a part of our lives, and they are just two of the ones being remembered this weekend. Please pray for their families. I spoke with Tabitha yesterday afternoon and she said it was difficult, but very good for them to. This is yet another one of the awesome things that St Jude does for their families.

This coming up week is a BIG week for some of the children we are following. I got to spend some time with Mallerie and Clay yesterday. Both are in Chili's Transplant unit getting prepared for transplant this week. I really want us to keep them in prayer this week. As of yesterday, Clay had finished up four days of radiation and had started his first day of chemo, he was taking the chemo that requires a bath, dressing change, change of sheets and change of clothes every four hours. This began yesterday morning and goes non-stop through 8:00 tonight. This is a very strong chemo and it can come through their skin and cause skin burns, so this is the reason for all of the baths and changes. If I am remembering correct, he has four days total of chemo, and on Tuesday will receive his TRANSPLANT!!! This is day they have worked and prayed so hard for. On Monday night at 8:00, we will have a prayer night for him to pray for his successful transplant and for all to go well. We will pray for about an hour specifically for Clay, but can go longer if you would like.
Check Arie's update on Clay for more details.

Also this week... Mallerie will be receiving her transplant too! She has also, much like Clay, had four days of radiation, and now in day 2 of four days of chemo. She is not taking the same type of chemo, so she lucked out on having to take the bath's every four hours. She was feeling a little "yucky" yesterday, but did get up and go do physical therapy. She was not just to happy about that, but was a "good girl" and did it regardless. Please check her caringbridge page and leave her notes of encouragement. I know she does not feel well during this part of her treatment, but it will be over and she will begin to feel better before she knows it, I know it can not come soon enough for her though. Her TRANSPLANT will be on Wednesday, so we will have a prayer time specifically for her on Tuesday night beginning at 8:00. Clay and Mallerie are down the hall from each other, I told Clay yesterday he needed to check Mallerie out, she would make an excellent girlfriend for him!!! Who is counting the years of age difference, they have so much in common now!!!

Also, Salena will be going back to Chicago on Monday to prepare for her transplant, I think the last time LaDonna and I talked, she was thinking that the transplant date is scheduled for the 15th of this month. We will have a prayer night for her also on the night before her transplant. Keep checking her site for updated info.

Elizabeth is back at St Jude. She was running fever and had some labs that were not where they need to be, so they are back for now. Please keep her in your prayers, bless her heart, such a sweet little girl.

I saw Trevor and Pam for just a minute yesterday, Trevor's labs looked better, but he was not feeling to well. I hope he was just tired and the events of the week were just catching up with him and he can rest this weekend and be feeling much better soon. Keep them in your prayers, they are so ready to go home!

Okay, I think that is all I have for today but we do have a "Thought For The Day" that was written to be shared with you.

Thoughts on the passing of another dear angel---Mary Kate.

Steel away—steel away---steel away to Jesus.
Steel away—steel away home.
I ain’t got long to stay here.

I was walkin in Savannah past a church decayed and dim
When there slowly through the window came a plaintive funeral hymn.
And as sympathy awakened and my wonder quickly grew
I found myself environed in a little Negro pew.

Out in front a young couple sat in sorrow –nearly wild.
On the alter was a coffin—in the coffin was a child.
Rose a sad old Negro preacher from a little wooden desk
In a manner grandly awkward and a countenance grotesque
And he said;

“Now don’t be weepin for this pretty bit of clay
Cause the little boy who lived there –he’s done gone and run away.
He’s doin very finely and he ‘preciates your love
But his sho-nuf Father want’s him in the large house up above.

Now He didn’t give you that baby by a hundred thousand miles
He just think you need some sunshine and he lent it for a while.
And He let you love and keep it till your hearts were bigger grown
And those silver tears you’re sheddin are just interest on the loan.

So my poor dejected mourners, let your hearts with Jesus rest
And don’t go criticizing the One who knows the best.
He’s give us many comforts—He has a right to take away.
To the Lord be praise and glory now and ever let us pray.”

My Lord calls me. He calls me by the thunder.
The trumpet sounds within my soul.
I ain’t got long to stay here.

Borrowed from a Negro spiritual.

It is my prayer that we will all realize the brevity of life and never miss an opportunity to tell others of our feelings for them. Warmest regards and love to you all.

Thank you Jon for sharing :)

Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe

1 comment:

  1. My heart and my prayers are with Ben & Becky and Tabitha & Jason and the many other families who are remembering a child they loved so much.

    Hopefully soon there will be a cure and the purpose of a Remembrance Weekend will no longer be necessary.
