Monday, April 6, 2009

A New Week ... Hope For A Cure

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. I Peter 1:3-5

It's Monday, again...where did the weekend go?

Well, Salena (top picture) should be on her way as I am typing back to Chicago. Yesterday proved to be pretty exciting and scary for her and mom. LaDonna's tie-rod on her car broke as she was driving and she ended up in a single car accident, and down in a ditch. Thank You Lord, they were okay, just really shaken. Read her update, she is getting closer each day to her transplant. Things are going well so far, she is feeling good and enjoying being at home some.

Melinda has an update, Trevor (second picture) is doing very well. They are very pleased that he is not having any major side effects from his chemo. The first chemo he took right after diagnosis made him so sick, but he is doing well with this one. Read her update, it will put a smile on your face... little boy and princess girl playing in the dirt!!! Let's keep them in prayer, pray that this chemo will take care of the tumors and he will have complete healing.

Reagan (third picture) is doing well for now too. She is playing and seems like she is feeling well, outside of getting tired more easily. Both she and Amy can really use our prayers. Amy has had a rough weekend, it seems to come and go like this. This is very normal and she just needs to know she is loved and that there are many prayers going up on their behalf. Amy is such a sweet and loving mom, she has had alot on her, but she is very strong and determined to find the best course of action for Reagan. Please pray for her and her research. Noah's mom, Beth, and Amy have become very close friends through this journey and are working together to try to find anything they can to help Reagan and Noah and so many others who are fighting this battle. Please keep Reagan and Noah in your prayers, read their updates.

Mallerie (fourth picture) and Clay are hanging out in the transplant unit getting ready for the biggest week in their young lives. Clay will receive his transplant tomorrow and Mallerie gets hers the next day on Wednesday. Remember tonight beginning at 8:00 (Memphis time) we will have a special prayer time to pray specifically for Clay and the success of his transplant. We will do the same tomorrow evening at 8:00 for Mallerie. Please join us in the chat tonight and again tomorrow night for this special time. We also need to remember to keep the donor's for both Clay and Mallerie in our prayers too. I stand amazed at the wonderful people who so willingly give of themselves to someone they have never met. If you are not on the national registry to be a bone marrow donor, please think about it, pray about it and consider becoming a donor. Just think, because of someone willing to be a donor, Mallerie, Clay and Salena will have a chance at life now, without them the future would be very bleak for these kids. I pray a prayer of praise for these unknown donors.

Mallerie has been pretty sick the past few days from the chemo, encourage her and pray for her to feel better soon. Clay has had some nausea the last day or two also, it's so wonderful to know that he is now done with chemo... NO MOE CHEMO!!! That's the best party you can have at St Jude!!! It comes complete with nurses and doctors singing a silly NO MOE CHEMO song and lots and LOTS of confetti, cheers and balloons!!! It'a a big deal.

Elizabeth and Trevor both have new updates and are not feeling to well at this time. Please keep them in prayer. They have been through transplant and are just dealing with issues post transplant. Pray for their quick recovery. They want to be at home with their families so much.

Alex V. is back in Memphis today for testing and checkups. Please pray that they will get good news from the test this week. Alex is such a sweet girl, she is so determined to beat this and go on with life to the fullest! I hope to see them today, and I'll keep you posted.

Harley is back in Houston for his chemo today. Please keep him and his family in prayer. His mom's purse was stolen out of her car while she was filling up with gas at a gas station yesterday while on her way to Houston. That was the last thing she needed to deal with at this time. There is a little angel from this group who is going to meet with her today and help her out with some food and funds to get her back home. Doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy to know there are still people in the world so generous? This has not been the only thing done for this family, a couple of our special ladies have been taking care of them when they come to Houston for treatment. Thank you ladies... your very special to all of us.

Ok, my husband just invited me on a lunch date, so I'm gonna stop here and take him up on it! Have a great day :)

Believe-Prayer Works

Team Believe


  1. Angels in Houston? Who knew?

    Love them all. Jon

  2. Love you Jon! and I love you Mardecia! Thank you for this place.

  3. I guess if I'm gonna post anonymously I should sign my name if I want people to know that it is me that loves them, huh.

    Me is Allison

  4. I love you too Allison! Your an angel with a heart of gold :)
