Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time To Start Planning
God saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. Titus 3:5-7
Good morning. It's a beautiful day today in Memphis, Tennessee! I certainly hope that each of you have a beautiful and blessed day today. I hope each of you has had an opportunity to check the caringbridge pages of our kiddo's, there is so much going on this week with them. It seems so strange, some weeks it seems like everyone is doing so well and all of the news is good news, then in the blink of an eye, it can all change and everyone seems to be having complications. This happens to be one of those not so good weeks, let's really encourage these families, they really need it. I just wanted to share this to give you an idea of how much your messages to the families helps out.... On Monday while Reagan was in surgery, I had my laptop opened to Reagan's page, I ask Amy if she wanted to take my computer and read messages that had been left for Reagan and her family. Of course she took the computer and began to read. It was so sweet to watch Amy's facial expressions and her smiles and she read each of the messages that had been left on Reagan's caringbridge page. Amy shared some of these messages with Reagan's dad too, again... smiles from him as well. This was like a little boost to help them get through the difficult hours that Reagan was away in surgery, Even though I know most of the people who left those messages probably do not read this blog, I still want to thank them for the comfort they brought to this family by leaving messages of support and encouragement. It truly does make a difference and means so much to the families. Reagan is doing very well. She is out of the hospital, that is amazing! She is one tough little princess.
I just want to pass along that I read on an email from the people who put together the St Jude Marathon that registration will begin the first part of May. I will try to keep up with this so we know and will be able to begin registering as soon as possible. We had a few who waited last year and were unable to register because the run filled up. The word out is that it will fill up quicker this year as people will want to make sure they have a spot and not wait to register. So be ready and I'll post as soon as I know when registration will open. I have already mentioned this, but I'll bring it up again. Think about someone you could invite to join you in coming with you this year. Bigger team, more opportunity to raise more money for St Jude. I would really like to focus on our goal for this year. Let me hear from you, leave comments and let me know what fundraising goal that you guys think we should set for this year. I talked to Regina the other day, she is already raising money, has some in hand already and the challenge between the two of us to see who can raise the most is ON!!! Registering and becoming a team member of the Hero's program is a great start, however, if you just ask a few people to help sponsor you with a donation to St Jude, you will be amazed how fast the money can add up as a team. Set a goal for yourself, start now by talking to some people and see what YOU can do by December. We are already working on the events of the weekend, so it's not to early to get started with the fundraising part either. I have booked the fellowship hall for our dinner on Friday evening, and will be talking to Macaroni Grill in the next week or so regarding them catering the food for us. We loved going to Macaroni Grill last year, but for those of you who were there, you know with our large group the space was very tight and we anticipate an even larger group this year. We want to have plenty of room and be able to enjoy visiting with each other. As for the other events, they will remain pretty much the same as in previous years. I will also be talking to the hotel that we have used in the past about blocking our rooms for that weekend too. I welcome any ideas or suggestions that any of you may have regarding the Marathon weekend. For any of you who are new followers to this blog, I will be posting more info and more pictures from the past marathon for you. Please join us, this is a fabulous event that raises much needed money for St Jude. Each year we select a different St Jude patient to run for, this year our child is Mary Kate Rushing. We are so excited to be honoring her and her memory this year. Mary Kate was so excited about being a part of this, she had worked on the design for our team shirt. We look forward to welcoming Regina and Alyson and their friends and family into our team family!!!
Enjoy your day, share a smile with someone today. When we look for the positives and the bright side, we find it!!!!
Believe-Prayer Works (just look around you if you don't believe it!)
Team Believe
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
We Are All So Blessed!
Good evening, I hope everyone has had a good day. I spoke with Samantha earlier today, Rylee had her surgery this morning, everything went very well. I think she is having some computer issues so I am not sure when she will be able to get back on and give details. They should be leaving Little Rock sometime mid morning tomorrow and driving back home to Oklahoma. Keep them in your prayers for safe travel. They will have to return to repeat this procedure, it is a laser non evasive surgery but Rylee does have to be sedated for it. At this point they understand that it is something that will reoccur and they will have to repeat this possibly every six months.
Jordan had a good day, he is all checked out and is on his way back at this time to LA. Share his success story, give God the glory, and thank St Jude for being a part of this miracle of healing.
I have not had a chance to talk with Reagan or her family yet today. I will try to call them in a little while. From reading her update earlier, it sounds like she is doing GREAT! She is a determined fighter, she is a winner.
Mallerie and Trevor have not been having such good days the past few days, but hopefully they will be back up before long. Clay still needs your prayers too, he just needs to get rid of these side effects. Also, please keep his mom in your prayers, please leave them messages to encourage her. She is so worn out, and needs all the "pick me ups" you can share with her. Team Believe folks... I'll talk with you in chat and pitch and idea to you.
Friday, May 1st is Sully's birthday. To those of you who have sent toys, money or gift cards to help honor Sully, I want to join Tabitha and Jason in a huge thank you for your part in this special day. I need to get with her and get the final details about the balloon release on Friday. I don't know yet if there is a specific time or a color choice for the balloons but I will find out and let you know. I do know that she would love for each person who participates in the balloon release to take a picture and email it to her. She would like to make a video to music with all of the pictures. I will post her email address later. Just email your picture and let her know where you are from, so they can see just how wide spread Sully's story has reached.
That is about it for me, I will be leaving tomorrow evening to travel to Oklahoma City. I will return late Sunday evening or early part of next week. I will try to keep up with as many of our families as possible to keep you up on everyone, but if you don't hear from me please check the links under Our Friends. I spoke to Tyler, my oldest son, today and he is now officially finished with finals and ready for graduation on Friday!!! WooHoo!!!! We are very proud of him. For those of you from the marathon, I am pleased to say Grace will be joining our family to attend graduation. She and Tyler have been good friends since he transferred out to OK, and she is like part of our family as well as our Team Believe family. She has already recruited a couple more people to join her in coming to Memphis for the marathon this year!!!! Just think, if each of us got just one more person to come this year, that alone would double the number of team members.... more members, more money for St Jude!!
Enjoy your evening,
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Jordan had a good day, he is all checked out and is on his way back at this time to LA. Share his success story, give God the glory, and thank St Jude for being a part of this miracle of healing.
I have not had a chance to talk with Reagan or her family yet today. I will try to call them in a little while. From reading her update earlier, it sounds like she is doing GREAT! She is a determined fighter, she is a winner.
Mallerie and Trevor have not been having such good days the past few days, but hopefully they will be back up before long. Clay still needs your prayers too, he just needs to get rid of these side effects. Also, please keep his mom in your prayers, please leave them messages to encourage her. She is so worn out, and needs all the "pick me ups" you can share with her. Team Believe folks... I'll talk with you in chat and pitch and idea to you.
Friday, May 1st is Sully's birthday. To those of you who have sent toys, money or gift cards to help honor Sully, I want to join Tabitha and Jason in a huge thank you for your part in this special day. I need to get with her and get the final details about the balloon release on Friday. I don't know yet if there is a specific time or a color choice for the balloons but I will find out and let you know. I do know that she would love for each person who participates in the balloon release to take a picture and email it to her. She would like to make a video to music with all of the pictures. I will post her email address later. Just email your picture and let her know where you are from, so they can see just how wide spread Sully's story has reached.
That is about it for me, I will be leaving tomorrow evening to travel to Oklahoma City. I will return late Sunday evening or early part of next week. I will try to keep up with as many of our families as possible to keep you up on everyone, but if you don't hear from me please check the links under Our Friends. I spoke to Tyler, my oldest son, today and he is now officially finished with finals and ready for graduation on Friday!!! WooHoo!!!! We are very proud of him. For those of you from the marathon, I am pleased to say Grace will be joining our family to attend graduation. She and Tyler have been good friends since he transferred out to OK, and she is like part of our family as well as our Team Believe family. She has already recruited a couple more people to join her in coming to Memphis for the marathon this year!!!! Just think, if each of us got just one more person to come this year, that alone would double the number of team members.... more members, more money for St Jude!!
Enjoy your evening,
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Monday, April 27, 2009
Blessings From Above
From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16
Tomorrow morning is Rylee's surgery at the Children's Hospital in Little Rock. You can check her link for more details. I believe Samantha told me today that they are to be at the hospital at 7:30, surgery will be at 9:30. Please keep them in prayer for this surgery to be successful. I understand that they will do this one tomorrow, and she will return in a few months to have a repeat surgery to complete what needs to be done to fix her hand. Samantha, we are all praying for you, Rylee and the family. So thankful that you have made it to surgery day.... FINALLY!!
Reagan had a successful surgery today. Amy has posted more details regarding today. Reagan did so well, she did not have to go to ICU. She came back talking and wanting to eat and color. Please continue to pray for her, only time over the next few weeks will really tell exactly what the status on her cancer truly is. Please pray that this is not any new regrowth, or relapse and that she will have many more good days ahead of her. She was just so sweet. Her mom and dad are both right by her bedside taking the best care of a little princess girl that any princess could ask for. Amy, Reagan & Shawn, we love you and are praying for a positive outcome from today's surgery.
Lot's going on with all the kids on our "Friends List". Check the links, keep these kids in prayer and let them hear from you.
Jordan had a good day today with the exception of getting 4 immunization shots! The downside of being a healthy kid, you have to get normal kid shots!! He has some appointments tomorrow afternoon, then returns home tomorrow evening. Pray for their safe return.
Have a good day tomorrow, I'll let you know as I hear from Samantha about Rylee's surgery.
Believe-Prayer Works!
Team Believe
Update #4
Afternoon Update: 4:57
Reagan is doing as well as any precious 4 year old who just had brain surgery can be doing. She is awake, she ate her donuts and drank her chocolate milk as soon as she got back to the room. I am going to head home and I'll update more later. So far, so good. Amy and Shawn want to thank you for following their journey and for the many prayers from you all. This is such a sweet family, keep praying.
Dr. Boop just came in to talk to Amy and Shawn, the initial report is good, I hate to say this but I have to run for a minute.... I promised Reagan a chocolate donut when she could have it and Shawn just called from recovery room, first thing Reagan said when she woke up was..."I want my chocolate donut". I am on my way to find her a chocolate donut before she gets back to the room!!!!!!!! Her order was 3 chocolate, 3 glazed and 2 chocolate milks!!! What she wants...SHE GETS!
They just called from surgery again, he is almost finished and hopefully Reagan will be in recovery in about an hour.
They just called from surgery, she is doing well, vitals are stable , she went to sleep well and they have opened up and are ready to begin.
Update #1
Reagan has gone down for surgery, they will call up when they get stated. I obviously do have internet service so I will be able to update along the way, with the parents permission.
Pray, Pray, Pray, we BELIEVE PRAYER WORKS!
Just wanted to let you guys know this is gonna be another busy week...
We really need to rally around Reagan and her family tomorrow. Reagan will be having surgery in the morning at LeBonheur. I think her surgery is scheduled for somewhere between 8:00-8:30 a.m. Please be in prayer for her surgery to be a success and that this will be part of the miracle that we have all been praying for, for Reagan. I will try to update along the way for you if I can get web service at the hospital. Reagan needs you and anyone you can ask to pray for her. Also, again I ask you to please leave the family notes of encouragement on her caringbridge site to let them know you are praying for them. I promise this means so much more to the families than you can ever know.
Also, I talked with Samantha today, they made it safely to Little Rock for Rylee's surgery scheduled for Tuesday. Please keep her in your prayers too. I think the schedule is for testing on Monday, surgery on Tuesday. I am sure Samantha will have updates on Rylee's caringbridge page... click on her link to check. I'll post as I hear from them. Please keep the entire family in your prayers. Also, please let them know you are with them and praying for them also.
I have just returned from out of town so I am not up to date on anyone else tonight.
Jordan is back at the Griz House and has appointments on Monday and Tuesday at St Jude, and is scheduled to return home on Tuesday evening. Last I spoke with Patrica, he was "back to normal". For Jordan, this means... being all boy!
Transplant folks... Mallerie, Clay, Salena and Elizabeth (as far as I know) are all still inpatient and need our continued prayers. I'll try to be more caught up on everyone tomorrow night.
I hope each of you has a good week. Keep checking on these kids and keep them covered in prayers. I will be going out of town on Wednesday, possibly Thursday, for the remainder of the week. It will be a busy trip, but I will try to keep up as best I can with updates for you. I don't usually do this, but I am going to ask for your prayers for a safe trip for my family. We will be going to Oklahoma City for the college graduation of our oldest son on Friday, his Senior Day for baseball as he pitches his last home college game on Saturday and then we will be moving him back to Memphis on Sunday. This will be a busy and emotional week, I can use your prayers to be a "big girl". Thank you.
Also, one more thing before I get to bed for the night... Jason and Tabitha are asking for anyone who would like to participate in Sully's birthday remembrance, to let a balloon go up on Friday. She has mentioned getting people to take a picture of your balloon release in Sully's memory and email them to her. She would like to put a video together of all of the balloon releases across the country. I'll give more details on this in the next day or so. He birthday is May 1st.
Believe Prayer Works
Team Believe
Reagan is doing as well as any precious 4 year old who just had brain surgery can be doing. She is awake, she ate her donuts and drank her chocolate milk as soon as she got back to the room. I am going to head home and I'll update more later. So far, so good. Amy and Shawn want to thank you for following their journey and for the many prayers from you all. This is such a sweet family, keep praying.
Dr. Boop just came in to talk to Amy and Shawn, the initial report is good, I hate to say this but I have to run for a minute.... I promised Reagan a chocolate donut when she could have it and Shawn just called from recovery room, first thing Reagan said when she woke up was..."I want my chocolate donut". I am on my way to find her a chocolate donut before she gets back to the room!!!!!!!! Her order was 3 chocolate, 3 glazed and 2 chocolate milks!!! What she wants...SHE GETS!
They just called from surgery again, he is almost finished and hopefully Reagan will be in recovery in about an hour.
They just called from surgery, she is doing well, vitals are stable , she went to sleep well and they have opened up and are ready to begin.
Update #1
Reagan has gone down for surgery, they will call up when they get stated. I obviously do have internet service so I will be able to update along the way, with the parents permission.
Pray, Pray, Pray, we BELIEVE PRAYER WORKS!
Just wanted to let you guys know this is gonna be another busy week...
We really need to rally around Reagan and her family tomorrow. Reagan will be having surgery in the morning at LeBonheur. I think her surgery is scheduled for somewhere between 8:00-8:30 a.m. Please be in prayer for her surgery to be a success and that this will be part of the miracle that we have all been praying for, for Reagan. I will try to update along the way for you if I can get web service at the hospital. Reagan needs you and anyone you can ask to pray for her. Also, again I ask you to please leave the family notes of encouragement on her caringbridge site to let them know you are praying for them. I promise this means so much more to the families than you can ever know.
Also, I talked with Samantha today, they made it safely to Little Rock for Rylee's surgery scheduled for Tuesday. Please keep her in your prayers too. I think the schedule is for testing on Monday, surgery on Tuesday. I am sure Samantha will have updates on Rylee's caringbridge page... click on her link to check. I'll post as I hear from them. Please keep the entire family in your prayers. Also, please let them know you are with them and praying for them also.
I have just returned from out of town so I am not up to date on anyone else tonight.
Jordan is back at the Griz House and has appointments on Monday and Tuesday at St Jude, and is scheduled to return home on Tuesday evening. Last I spoke with Patrica, he was "back to normal". For Jordan, this means... being all boy!
Transplant folks... Mallerie, Clay, Salena and Elizabeth (as far as I know) are all still inpatient and need our continued prayers. I'll try to be more caught up on everyone tomorrow night.
I hope each of you has a good week. Keep checking on these kids and keep them covered in prayers. I will be going out of town on Wednesday, possibly Thursday, for the remainder of the week. It will be a busy trip, but I will try to keep up as best I can with updates for you. I don't usually do this, but I am going to ask for your prayers for a safe trip for my family. We will be going to Oklahoma City for the college graduation of our oldest son on Friday, his Senior Day for baseball as he pitches his last home college game on Saturday and then we will be moving him back to Memphis on Sunday. This will be a busy and emotional week, I can use your prayers to be a "big girl". Thank you.
Also, one more thing before I get to bed for the night... Jason and Tabitha are asking for anyone who would like to participate in Sully's birthday remembrance, to let a balloon go up on Friday. She has mentioned getting people to take a picture of your balloon release in Sully's memory and email them to her. She would like to put a video together of all of the balloon releases across the country. I'll give more details on this in the next day or so. He birthday is May 1st.
Believe Prayer Works
Team Believe
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Quick Notes....
Good evening, it has been a very busy and active week around Memphis. I am going to make a quick update and I promise I'll do better this coming week.
First, Reagan and her mom and dad should be in Memphis by now. I talked to Amy earlier and at that time they were about 6 hours out of Memphis. Reagan will check in to LeBonheur tomorrow and have surgery on Monday morning. Please, let's be praying for Reagan and all of her family. This is such a difficult time right now for them. Let's be a huge support for them. I am out of town right now, but I told Amy I will be back and will be with them at the hospital on Monday morning. I'll try to let you know how things are going.
Jordan was released from LeBonheur this morning, and he is back at the Griz house. He will be in Memphis until Tuesday evening. Patricia said he was all back to normal this morning... that means he was cutting up and entertaining everyone in sight.
Just check everyone's links and let then know you are following them and praying for them :)
I am adding a new link tonight.... enjoy! Morgan is so sweet, I am very thrilled that I have had the opportunity to meet her and her mom... both sweet ladies!
Believe-Prayer Works!
Team Believe
First, Reagan and her mom and dad should be in Memphis by now. I talked to Amy earlier and at that time they were about 6 hours out of Memphis. Reagan will check in to LeBonheur tomorrow and have surgery on Monday morning. Please, let's be praying for Reagan and all of her family. This is such a difficult time right now for them. Let's be a huge support for them. I am out of town right now, but I told Amy I will be back and will be with them at the hospital on Monday morning. I'll try to let you know how things are going.
Jordan was released from LeBonheur this morning, and he is back at the Griz house. He will be in Memphis until Tuesday evening. Patricia said he was all back to normal this morning... that means he was cutting up and entertaining everyone in sight.
Just check everyone's links and let then know you are following them and praying for them :)
I am adding a new link tonight.... enjoy! Morgan is so sweet, I am very thrilled that I have had the opportunity to meet her and her mom... both sweet ladies!
Believe-Prayer Works!
Team Believe
Friday, April 24, 2009
100% All Natural, No Added Parts!!!
"I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security," says the Lord. Jeremiah 33:6
Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. Jeremiah 17:14
O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me Psalm 30:2
Quick Note: More later....
As the title says... 100% All Natural, No Added Part... Jordan is now all boy and no additional foreign parts in his body! To God be the glory! Pray for this to be his last surgery ever!
Jordan had his surgery this afternoon. He is back in his room, he will be kept inpatient at LeBonheur for 23 (not 24) but 23 hours for observation. He did great, when I left them he was awake and drinking his juice, but still pretty sleepy. Chancelly and Patricia both ask me to thank you for all of the love, support and prayers you have given for them during the past almost 2 years. Top two photo's are post surgery in recovery, and bottom two are before surgery. Doesn't he just look so cute in his little tiny hospital gown?
I'll update more later this evening.
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Well here she is with her new cells and her new beginning! WAY TO GO SALENA! We are all here praying for you for your continued success.
Salena got up this morning running a little fever. LaDonna took her on over to the hospital and they checked her out and ran some test. They started her on some antibiotics and her fever did come down some, Salena said they gave her some fluids and meds and she was looking better before noon.
Her donor marrow came to Chicago Children's around 1pm and she began her transplant a little after 2pm. LaDonna called a little after 3pm to tell me that it was all done! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! She just send me the pictures, so I have posted the pictures from todays event for you to all see. This is a wonderful new beginning for Salena, we pray for the success of this transplant. We pray for her to be healed and cancer free, living a very long life as a witness to God's power. We don't know who you are, we know your heart however. We know your a 22 year old male that God put on this earth to do good works. I am referring to the donor who gave of himself for Salena to have a healthy life. I am just in awe of this. We pray for you and for your comfort tonight even though we don't know who you are. Thank you to the donor! LaDonna has been joining in the chat room the past few days to talk to everyone and give updates on Salena. She has also turned to this group in the room for prayers and encouragement to get through to this point. Thank you to all of the prayer warriors who have joined to offer support.
I do want to pass on some sad news. One of our very faithful friends in the prayer/chat room called this afternoon to let us know that her Sister In Law Mrs. Betty Brewer passed away this morning around 10:30. BBrewer or Bessie and her husband have traveled to Monticello to be with the family. The funeral services will be on Friday morning at 10:00 at the Stephenson Dearmon Funeral Home in Monticello. Please remember this family in your prayers and also pray for their safe trip when they travel back home.
I have no doubt that we are seeing answers to some of our prayers!
Update on Jordan, he is doing great. He has been in Memphis for 2 days now, I can't tell you what a sweet and big boy he is getting to be. I'll give more info and post some new pics of him on here and on his caringbridge page soon. Oh yea, big news for today....... drum roll... he finally said my name today!!! I have been working on this every chance I have had to be with him for a year now. I was so thrilled and he kept saying it all morning, I was in hog heaven! I have witnesses too!
It's late but I wanted to get these pictures of Salena up for you as soon as I got them.... more to come tomorrow.
Believe-Prayer Works!
Team Believe
New Day For Salena
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits -- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. Psalm 103:2-3
Today is Salena's Big Day!!! Keep her and her family in your prayers today. I spoke with both LaDonna and Salena, they are READY!!! Salena says she is not nervous, just ready to start her new beginning. Let's rejoice with them, and pray that all goes perfect. Say a big thank you and give a hug to anyone you know that is on the National Bone Marrow Registry, and anyone you know who has been a donor. These are special people that God has placed among us. They think the transplant will take place around 12:30-1:00 this afternoon, I will try to post and let you know when it is over.
Please keep Reagan and her family in your prayers too...
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Victory, Sweet Victory!
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30-31
Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ
I Corinthians 15:57
Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.
Psalm 60:12
I have to be quite honest with you today, I don't know where the words are going to come from for you, from me today. As many of you gathered with us in the Prayer/Chat Room last night as we prayed for Reagan and her family, our friend Ben Powell and the Easterling Family in the loss of Ben's friend Joey, for our much loved and very loyal prayer warrior BBrewer (BB) for the safe travel for her and her family to be with her sister in law in her final days, it just seems at times our hearts get so heavy. All I could do this morning was turn to the scriptures that remind me of the sweet victory we have in Jesus. We love these families and these children and we hurt when they hurt. There seems to be so many suffering at this time, but I feel we must continue to look to our Lord and Savior for peace, comfort, and the wisdom to know how best to reach out to these families. Prayer and our faith in prayer plays a big part in us being able to be a support to the families.
Please keep a watch on Reagans caringbridge site, link is on our page, and keep them in your prayers at this time. We will keep Reagan and family in our hearts and prayers and continue to pray for Reagan's miracle. We know all things are possible in God. Let Amy and the family know you are praying for them. She needs as much encouragement as she can get, she is not alone!
While so many are having a difficult time at this point, there are so many wonderful things going on that we must be thankful for as well. We must pray for those in need and pray a prayer of praise and give God the glory for the good news for others.
First on the list for today, Praise God, we give God all of the glory for Jordan and his amazing journey. Jordan has arrived in Memphis today for check-ups and is scheduled for surgery on Friday to remove his ports that have been used for treatment for his leukemia. Let's get rid of what we no longer need!! Jordan has been cancer free for over one year now, actually he is about 4 months shy of being cancer free for two years now! God has blessed Jordan and his family, and I feel we have all been blessed by being able to have followed and witnessed his victory over his cancer.
Next up, please be praying today for Salena and her donor. At this very minute her donor is being harvested for his cells for Salena to receive tomorrow in her transplant. We praise God and give Him the glory for Salena being brought through her battle with her cancer to this point and we pray that God will continue to be with her and protect her kidneys and lungs through the transplant process. This is a high risk transplant, but we know that with God all things good and great are possible. We will have prayer night in our chat room tonight for the success for Salena's transplant. We first posted that we would begin around 7pm, however we feel more people will be able to join us if we move it back a little. So at this time we will plan on beginning at 9pm Memphis time. If this is not a good time for you, please feel free to join in the room at any time and just let whom ever is in the room at the time know that you have come in to offer up prayers for Salena. This group will stop and pray for anyone in need at any time. We hope that LaDonna and some of their family and friends will be able to join us this evening.
For someone with no words, this is getting rather long today so I will simply ask that you check the links of the children on our page and pray for them and send them messages of encouragement. Let them know you are from Team Believe.
One more thing I want to share with you, On Thursday evening St Jude will be hosting a Teen Prom for the teen patients. This is such a special evening for these teens. I will share more about this later, and I'll post pictures of this years event on Friday, or over the weekend. This is just one more of the many wonderful things that St Jude does for these kids, at no cost to them I might add. This comes complete with prom dresses, tux, limo's, hair, nail and make-up and even a Red Carpet Walk!! I wonder if I can "blend in" with the crowd and join in on the teen fun?? Don't worry, I am not going to crash the fun! I am very thrilled that the teens have this to look forward to as many of them miss the proms at their schools. Thumbs up to St Jude!!
I must get out of here... getting ready to go see my boy Jordan!
Share your love, your heart and your faith with those around you today :)
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Rally the Prayer Warriors
Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. Jeremiah 17:14
Reagan and her family really need your prayers and your words of encouragement at this time. You can read her updates and get a better picture of exactly what is going on, but they are really scared and feel like they are in a helpless situation right now. Please pray for them, but also please leave them a message to let them know you are praying for them. This is such a sense of peace for the families to know they are not alone and there are people like you guys all over the world praying for them. Please let them know they are NOT ALONE. Click on Reagan's link on the left side of the page.
Also, Mallerie can use your prayers and words of encouragement right now to. She is doing well, and looks really good. I think she is looking better than she has in weeks. However, she is just struggling emotionally right now, she knew her hair would come out, but it has begun to come out and this is very difficult for her. She is such a beautiful girl, I can only imagine how her eyes will really sparkle and be so much more noticeable, but for a teenage girl, this has to be so hard to handle when the time actually comes. Please keep her in your prayers and send her comments on her caringbridge page to encourage her anyway you can. I know Natalie and her mom went over to visit with her last night for Natalie to talk with her, Natalie knows all to well exactly how Mallerie feels right now. I am very thankful to Natalie for being so willing to help others walking the same path she has walked.
Speaking of Natalie... I hope she does not mind me sharing this, but she just found out that she received a scholarship from the American Cancer Society for college!!! Send her a message of congratulations! I do not know of a better recipient for this scholarship. I wrote a letter of recommendation for her for this scholarship, if she was brave enough to use it... I bet it was the total reason that she got it!!! Just Kidding... She earned that on her own, her life and her actions spoke more than any words on a piece of paper. CONGRATULATIONS NATALIE! We are all so very proud of you.
One more thing, Allison from Team Believe has ordered some really cool car window decals!! The picture is up top. If you would like to have one to show your support of our group, just email Allison and she will send you one.
Thank you Allison for doing these decals for us! They look great and I will proudly display mine on my window.
Enjoy your Sunday tomorrow. Please ask your Sunday school class to put these kids on their prayer list too.
Believe- Prayer Works!
Team Believe
Friday, April 17, 2009
Celebrate a GREAT week!
If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment. Job 36:11
Good morning! I hope each of you have had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend. As for Memphis, it sounds like we are going to enjoy MORE April Showers... I can't wait to enjoy all of the May Flowers these showers are supposed to be bringing!!
It seems that all of our friends have good reports from this week. We are so thankful for that, I got to visit with Mallerie and Clay a couple of times this week, both seem to be feeling pretty well. I saw smiles on both faces, that makes for a good visit! Mallerie is not getting sick as much, this is a blessing and an answer to prayers. She has been working on a word search book and I must say, she is pretty fast with those things. We pray that she continues to do well, and her new cells begin to grow soon.
Clay, is doing well too. Mom has ask for specific prayers for his lungs. He is doing well for now, his lungs are clear but the concern is when he starts growing his new cells that they might go to his lungs and cause the "gunk" in his lungs again. She explains this in her update, so I'll let you read about it there. She has ask for us to pray for his lung disease to be healed and for his lungs to remain healthy lungs. Also, pray for his other organs to remain healthy during this transplant process. He is beginning to eat a little, this is good news too. Pray for his appetite to increase. He is really doing well and is such a cutie pie!
I talked to LaDonna last night. Salena is doing very well. She says to see her you would not know anything is going on. They miss Memphis very much and look forward to coming back. I miss them too and look forward to getting them back here. She says Chicago is very nice, but just not the same, I think we spoiled them here!! At this time, she has started her pre-chemo to prepare for transplant. Transplant is scheduled for April 22nd. Please pray for her successful transplant and also please keep her donor in prayer. He will be harvesting on April 21st, and transplant will be the next day. We need to keep the donor in prayer for him to remain healthy and have no complications so the transplant can go forward. I am so in awe of these wonderful donors who are willing to do this. Again, I ask for you to consider becoming a donor or even setting up a Bone Marrow Donor Drive in your local area. If you are interested in doing one and need some info, please leave a comment on this post and leave an email address where I can get back with you with the info. There are organizations that will come and for the most part set up and do it all for you. You just provide the location and help to get the word out. Most churches and many schools are willing to allow you to have them at their locations.
Jonathan is out of the hospital, that is good news. Mom's has been updating, check out his link.
I have not seen Trevor or Elizabeth this week, but it sounds like they are having an excellent week... you really should read their updates... they are having way to much fun! I am very happy to hear this, and am so thankful they are doing so well. It does not sound like Trevor will be around here much longer, but I know they are so ready to get back home with the rest of the family.
Please read everyone's updates, they each have specific needs. Also, don't forget to leave them a note of encouragement on their comment sections.
Rylee's surgery is coming up soon, let's keep her and her family in our prayers. They have alot going on right now getting ready for the surgery and the trip to Little Rock for the surgery. I got to spend some time with them this past weekend while I was in Oklahoma City. They are such sweet children, a real joy to be with. Please keep them and mom & dad in your prayers.
I'll go ahead and start posting this... on April 21st we will have a prayer night in the chat room for Salena, for her successful transplant. I'll post more on this as it approaches but please go ahead and mark your calendars so you can be here with us for this prayer night. LaDonna is hoping to work it out to be able to be here too.
I want to repeat the plans for this years Marathon for anyone who may not have seen this post yet:
For all of the marathon team members there are some updates on the organization of the team. Those of us that have worked on it to organize it are getting geared up to get it kicked off again. At this time, the only info I have is that registration will begin in late spring. As some of you found out last year...THERE IS A LIMIT AND IT DOES FILL UP. It is predicted, due to the way it filled up last year, that people will not wait this year to register but will register as soon as possible to ensure they get in. So I suggest that if you want to participate that you do not hesitate to get registered as soon as it opens.
There will be a few changes this year... Our team was formed and we were all brought together because of Ethan. We know that we have honored him and his memory by being Team Ethan. He will always be a part of this team but we would like to include other patients too. Not everyone has the opportunity to organize their own personal team. We want to share and include others in this opportunity to give back to St Jude. We will be using the name TEAM BELIEVE now. Our goal is to honor a different patient each year. We will have a design on our shirt where we will add a new name each year. Names from the past will remain as part of the design. So therefore, Ethan will always be a part of us.
This year we will be running for Mary Kate Rushing. When I first ask her if we could have our team run in her name, she was so excited. I wish you could have seen her face and her eyes when she was asked. I ask her if she would come up with a design that she wanted on her shirt, this too excited her very much. As most of you know, Mary Kate lost her battle to leukemia recently. She was working on her design for the shirt, her mom will proudly finish it for her, she knows what Mary Kate wanted. We will proudly walk in loving memory of Mary Kate. Regina, her mom, and her sister Alyson will be joining us along with other family members too. If you are not familiar with Mary Kate you can read her caringbridge site at or click on her link under "Our Friends".
The plans for now are to keep with our tradition of events from the past two years. I will set up hotel accommodations for everyone needing a room, we will have our dinner on Friday evening the night before the big day, then participate in the events of the morning downtown. Again on Saturday evening after the marathon, everyone is invited out to my house to hang out, comfort our aching feet, and eat some good ole Memphis BBQ! This has proved to be one of the highlights of the weekend. We can just sit around and really get to know each other and visit. I am not sure at this point if there will be another tour of the hospital or not.
I want to thank SMSTexas (Susan) for volunteering to take on putting together the goodie bags for this years marathon team. This is a huge help to me!! She has already been working very diligently on this task. THANK YOU SUSAN!
Okay, enough from me. I hear some weeds in the flowerbeds calling my name, I told them to "hush" but they are still calling... Enjoy your weekend, spend some quality time with your family. Join us in the chat room anytime, it's all a family of friends!
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Good morning! I hope each of you have had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend. As for Memphis, it sounds like we are going to enjoy MORE April Showers... I can't wait to enjoy all of the May Flowers these showers are supposed to be bringing!!
It seems that all of our friends have good reports from this week. We are so thankful for that, I got to visit with Mallerie and Clay a couple of times this week, both seem to be feeling pretty well. I saw smiles on both faces, that makes for a good visit! Mallerie is not getting sick as much, this is a blessing and an answer to prayers. She has been working on a word search book and I must say, she is pretty fast with those things. We pray that she continues to do well, and her new cells begin to grow soon.
Clay, is doing well too. Mom has ask for specific prayers for his lungs. He is doing well for now, his lungs are clear but the concern is when he starts growing his new cells that they might go to his lungs and cause the "gunk" in his lungs again. She explains this in her update, so I'll let you read about it there. She has ask for us to pray for his lung disease to be healed and for his lungs to remain healthy lungs. Also, pray for his other organs to remain healthy during this transplant process. He is beginning to eat a little, this is good news too. Pray for his appetite to increase. He is really doing well and is such a cutie pie!
I talked to LaDonna last night. Salena is doing very well. She says to see her you would not know anything is going on. They miss Memphis very much and look forward to coming back. I miss them too and look forward to getting them back here. She says Chicago is very nice, but just not the same, I think we spoiled them here!! At this time, she has started her pre-chemo to prepare for transplant. Transplant is scheduled for April 22nd. Please pray for her successful transplant and also please keep her donor in prayer. He will be harvesting on April 21st, and transplant will be the next day. We need to keep the donor in prayer for him to remain healthy and have no complications so the transplant can go forward. I am so in awe of these wonderful donors who are willing to do this. Again, I ask for you to consider becoming a donor or even setting up a Bone Marrow Donor Drive in your local area. If you are interested in doing one and need some info, please leave a comment on this post and leave an email address where I can get back with you with the info. There are organizations that will come and for the most part set up and do it all for you. You just provide the location and help to get the word out. Most churches and many schools are willing to allow you to have them at their locations.
Jonathan is out of the hospital, that is good news. Mom's has been updating, check out his link.
I have not seen Trevor or Elizabeth this week, but it sounds like they are having an excellent week... you really should read their updates... they are having way to much fun! I am very happy to hear this, and am so thankful they are doing so well. It does not sound like Trevor will be around here much longer, but I know they are so ready to get back home with the rest of the family.
Please read everyone's updates, they each have specific needs. Also, don't forget to leave them a note of encouragement on their comment sections.
Rylee's surgery is coming up soon, let's keep her and her family in our prayers. They have alot going on right now getting ready for the surgery and the trip to Little Rock for the surgery. I got to spend some time with them this past weekend while I was in Oklahoma City. They are such sweet children, a real joy to be with. Please keep them and mom & dad in your prayers.
I'll go ahead and start posting this... on April 21st we will have a prayer night in the chat room for Salena, for her successful transplant. I'll post more on this as it approaches but please go ahead and mark your calendars so you can be here with us for this prayer night. LaDonna is hoping to work it out to be able to be here too.
I want to repeat the plans for this years Marathon for anyone who may not have seen this post yet:
For all of the marathon team members there are some updates on the organization of the team. Those of us that have worked on it to organize it are getting geared up to get it kicked off again. At this time, the only info I have is that registration will begin in late spring. As some of you found out last year...THERE IS A LIMIT AND IT DOES FILL UP. It is predicted, due to the way it filled up last year, that people will not wait this year to register but will register as soon as possible to ensure they get in. So I suggest that if you want to participate that you do not hesitate to get registered as soon as it opens.
There will be a few changes this year... Our team was formed and we were all brought together because of Ethan. We know that we have honored him and his memory by being Team Ethan. He will always be a part of this team but we would like to include other patients too. Not everyone has the opportunity to organize their own personal team. We want to share and include others in this opportunity to give back to St Jude. We will be using the name TEAM BELIEVE now. Our goal is to honor a different patient each year. We will have a design on our shirt where we will add a new name each year. Names from the past will remain as part of the design. So therefore, Ethan will always be a part of us.
This year we will be running for Mary Kate Rushing. When I first ask her if we could have our team run in her name, she was so excited. I wish you could have seen her face and her eyes when she was asked. I ask her if she would come up with a design that she wanted on her shirt, this too excited her very much. As most of you know, Mary Kate lost her battle to leukemia recently. She was working on her design for the shirt, her mom will proudly finish it for her, she knows what Mary Kate wanted. We will proudly walk in loving memory of Mary Kate. Regina, her mom, and her sister Alyson will be joining us along with other family members too. If you are not familiar with Mary Kate you can read her caringbridge site at or click on her link under "Our Friends".
The plans for now are to keep with our tradition of events from the past two years. I will set up hotel accommodations for everyone needing a room, we will have our dinner on Friday evening the night before the big day, then participate in the events of the morning downtown. Again on Saturday evening after the marathon, everyone is invited out to my house to hang out, comfort our aching feet, and eat some good ole Memphis BBQ! This has proved to be one of the highlights of the weekend. We can just sit around and really get to know each other and visit. I am not sure at this point if there will be another tour of the hospital or not.
I want to thank SMSTexas (Susan) for volunteering to take on putting together the goodie bags for this years marathon team. This is a huge help to me!! She has already been working very diligently on this task. THANK YOU SUSAN!
Okay, enough from me. I hear some weeds in the flowerbeds calling my name, I told them to "hush" but they are still calling... Enjoy your weekend, spend some quality time with your family. Join us in the chat room anytime, it's all a family of friends!
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Thursday, April 16, 2009
You Better Believe Prayer Works.....
Just talked to Tabitha again, Paul and Sherri are ok, just really banged up and sore, but are very determined to get another rental car and make the trip on to Arkansas. He has an appointment this afternoon at 2:30. Please pray for them to have a safe trip to the appointment. As for the passengers in the other vehicle, they seem to be okay, one lady is being transported to the hospital, possible broken bones.
If anything changes, I'll post.
Believe-Prayer Works!
If anything changes, I'll post.
Believe-Prayer Works!
Urgent Prayers Needed
I just received a phone call from Tabitha Farrar (Sully's mom), her brother and Sister In Law had just flown into Memphis from PA and were driving to Arkansas today. They have just been involved in a serious car accident leaving Memphis. She has ask for prayers for both her brother and sister in law (the children were not with them) also, please pray for the person in the other car involved. Please Pray!
I will update you on the accident as I know more. Her dad (Paw) is on the way to the scene of the accident at this time.
Thanks guys!
I will update you on the accident as I know more. Her dad (Paw) is on the way to the scene of the accident at this time.
Thanks guys!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Including Others, Involving Others
We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
For all of the marathon team members there are some updates on the organization of the team. Those of us that have worked on it to organize it are getting geared up to get it kicked off again. At this time, the only info I have is that registration will begin in late spring. As some of you found out last year...THERE IS A LIMIT AND IT DOES FILL UP. It is predicted, due to the way it filled up last year, that people will not wait this year to register but will register as soon as possible to ensure they get in. So I suggest that if you want to participate that you do not hesitate to get registered as soon as it opens.
There will be a few changes this year... Our team was formed and we were all brought together because of Ethan. We know that we have honored him and his memory by being Team Ethan. He will always be a part of this team but we would like to include other patients too. Not everyone has the opportunity to organize their own personal team. We want to share and include others in this opportunity to give back to St Jude. We will be using the name TEAM BELIEVE now. Our goal is to honor a different patient each year. We will have a design on our shirt where we will add a new name each year. Names from the past will remain as part of the design. So therefore, Ethan will always be a part of us.
This year we will be running for Mary Kate Rushing. When I first ask her if we could have our team run in her name, she was so excited. I wish you could have seen her face and her eyes when she was asked. I ask her if she would come up with a design that she wanted on her shirt, this too excited her very much. As most of you know, Mary Kate lost her battle to leukemia recently. She was working on her design for the shirt, her mom will proudly finish it for her, she knows what Mary Kate wanted. We will proudly walk in loving memory of Mary Kate. Regina, her mom, and her sister Alyson will be joining us along with other family members too. If you are not familiar with Mary Kate you can read her caringbridge site at or click on her link under "Our Friends".
The plans for now are to keep with our tradition of events from the past two years. I will set up hotel accommodations for everyone needing a room, we will have our dinner on Friday evening the night before the big day, then participate in the events of the morning downtown. Again on Saturday evening after the marathon, everyone is invited out to my house to hang out, comfort our aching feet, and eat some good ole Memphis BBQ! This has proved to be one of the highlights of the weekend. We can just sit around and really get to know each other and visit. I am not sure at this point if there will be another tour of the hospital or not.
As for our kiddo's today. I have not been to the hospital yet, but plan to get up there sometime today. From talking to a few folks and reading updates it sounds like all of our transplant kid's are doing great!!! I am so thrilled to read the good updates on how well they are beginning to feel. WAY TO GO TRANSPLANTS!!!! I talked to LaDonna last night, please keep Salena in your prayers. She is in the prep part of her transplant. She is supposed to get hers on April 22nd. We will have a night of prayer for her successful transplant the night before so keep that on your calendar. Trevor is back from his trip home for Easter, let's keep him in prayer that he will get the green light very soon to get to go home for good! Elizabeth has had some good reports too. She is no longer inpatient and they have now finally got a diagnosis on what is going on with her, she seems to already be doing better. I am so thankful for all of these good reports. I'll let you know more after I get to actually visit with them.
I hope each of you is enjoying this day which the Lord has blessed us with. For me, it's a little cold outside, but I will not complain! It's a good excuse to stay in and be lazy... however I do need to grocery shop today. This is not on my list of favorites.
Oh yea... before I forget. I do have a few reminders for you 1) I really would love for any of you who joined us last year for any part of our marathon weekend to write up a short story on your experience so I can share those here with others. Some of you were only able to join us for our dinner, I want to hear from you too! Just email me your write-ups. I'll post them along the way.
2) Toys/Gift cards to honor Sully's birthday. If you would like to participate in this, Tab and I are going to shop tomorrow to make purchases with what has come in so far. It's not to late though we will go again next week to finish up. So if you plan to participate, please get your toys/gift cards to me as soon as possible. Tabitha and Jason will be sharing the gifts with the St Jude patients on May 1st. That is Sully's birthday. We talked this morning, she and Jason and Hannah are so excited to be doing this. It will give purpose and meaning for them on that day. I love their heart and their spirit!
If you need an address to send something leave me a comment on this post with an email address to get back with you. Thank you so much for your involvement with this. This makes me so proud of this group of prayer warriors. Also, if you are new to this blog.... join us at anytime for anything that we do as a group. If you are reading this, you are a part of this wonderful group of people.
Thanks for all you do!
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Monday, April 13, 2009
We Are All So Blessed
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7
Everyone who had the opportunity last year to participate in the St Jude Marathon Weekend, if it was running/walking in one of the events or just attending and supporting those who did run, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will say you WERE BLESSED by being a part of it. I have to say it is one of the most touching experiences in my life and you can never know how much I look forward to it. From the day it ends of one year, I am looking forward to the next one and thinking of ways to make it even better for everyone involved with our team. This is a very special group of people who for the most part are not runners, at least not on foot. Most of us participate by "running our mouths" to raise money. You see, it does not matter if you run or walk, you still raise the same amount of money. By joining a team and registering to be a hero, you have the wonderful opportunity to help in the goal of raising money for St Jude Hospital. I believe I am correct in the following statistics, it takes around $1.4 million to operate St Jude Hospital for just ONE DAY! Last year the marathon weekend with 14,000 run participants raised right at $1.7 million dollars. That's alot of money right? But stop and look at it, that huge event only raised enough money to operate St Jude for ONE DAY! If you are not aware, not one single family EVER receives a bill from St Jude for ANY service what-so-ever. Not only are the children treated inpatient and out patient without ever being billed, but also families who must remain in Memphis for treatment are housed at the wonderful St Jude affiliated hospitality houses totally free of charge too. Meal cards are given to families when they come in. Kroger cards to purchase groceries are also provided to families staying at the Target house. When a family goes home but has to return for check-ups, etc. the patient and one parent is flown into Memphis, picked up at the airport and transported to the Griz House all at no cost to the family. Where you aware of all of these things? Still, all of these things and so much more are provided for families while being treated and not one penny ever has to come out of their pockets for their treatment.
Why am I telling you all of this... well before we know it, it will be time to start registering for the marathon weekend for 2009! So I want to start talking it up now and let everyone begin to start making plans to come. I am asking any of you who have participates with our team over the past two years on whatever level, to please write up a short story of your experience and email it to me, I want to post your comments on the events of this weekend for others to read and know that it is not just me that gets so excited about this event. I will be posting pictures along the way from last years event so you can see the fun that is had by all involved. I ask you to consider this wonderful weekend, make plans to come and join us or if you can't come, when we get our team formed, please make a donation to our team. Every single penny goes to St Jude to keep the hospital operating. There will be much more on this event in the coming days and weeks. For those of you new to this blog, the "Taking Steps For A Cure" part of our blog title it just this... we believe in these kids, in this hospital and we believe in the power of prayer. We DO NOT STOP THERE... we participate in the Marathon Weekend to help raise money for St Jude. We believe in St Jude! More to come...
I was out of town over the Easter weekend, so I have not had a chance to visit or talk with anyone. I know that you have checked their links and kept up with what is going on, you're all so great about that. I hope that each of you enjoyed your Easter weekend. Please keep those families in your hearts and prayers who spent this holiday without someone whom they loved very much.
Believe-Prayer Works!
Team Believe
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Chat Room Update #3
WOOHOO!! It is finally back up and running!!
For today post and new pictures, click on Older Post to go back to today's original post.
For today post and new pictures, click on Older Post to go back to today's original post.
Chat Room Update
I just spoke with the management at Parachat again, they are still working an hope to have this back up sometime today.
From what I understand, (you may be seeing some of this on Fox News or CNN) someone has cut some of the AT&T lines in Southern California. Apparently, Parachat is located in Southern California and at this time the affected area is totally without landline, cell, or internet service. Anything that was tied to or connected to in any way to AT&T is without service. He said the Feds have now been brought into it, it must be a really big deal. None the less, the lines were cut, they found them, and are in the process of replacing them. Parachat itself is working fine, however they depend on the service that has been affected to get Parachat out over the internet.
He did give me a website where they are posting updates regarding the situation... You can go there, scroll down, click on Help then click on Support Forums to read any updates posted.
If you have come to this site to read today's post and see new pictures, please scroll to the bottom of this post and hit older post and it will take you to the one I posted this morning.
I just spoke with the management at Parachat again, they are still working an hope to have this back up sometime today.
From what I understand, (you may be seeing some of this on Fox News or CNN) someone has cut some of the AT&T lines in Southern California. Apparently, Parachat is located in Southern California and at this time the affected area is totally without landline, cell, or internet service. Anything that was tied to or connected to in any way to AT&T is without service. He said the Feds have now been brought into it, it must be a really big deal. None the less, the lines were cut, they found them, and are in the process of replacing them. Parachat itself is working fine, however they depend on the service that has been affected to get Parachat out over the internet.
He did give me a website where they are posting updates regarding the situation... You can go there, scroll down, click on Help then click on Support Forums to read any updates posted.
If you have come to this site to read today's post and see new pictures, please scroll to the bottom of this post and hit older post and it will take you to the one I posted this morning.
Bunny's On His Way...
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
Good morning and I think indeed it is a very good morning. In Memphis, TN it is sunny, a cool brisk morning that is supposed to be warming up into a beautiful day. This just makes you feel so good and have so much hope and faith that everything for everyone is going to be alright. God is showing us His love. Now, having said that, looks like He is going to bless us with rain tonight. As they say, "April showers bring May flowers", so I guess we should be thankful for the rain. We certainly do enjoy the flowers!
The top photo is a sign out front of a church in Greenville, MS. As I was driving into Greenville, MS last week I looked up and saw this sign out in front of a church building. I could not help but feel that someone had put that sign up just for ME! On the way out of town I just had to pull over and take a pic so I could share it with you. Believe Prayer Works!!
If you want to see some proof that prayer works... let me share a few "chill bump" things with you. Those of you who were able to join us this past Tuesday night for prayer night for Mallerie were so blessed with a very uplifting evening. One of the things that we prayed for specifically was for Mallerie and Tina to have a peaceful and restful night's sleep that night. Her transplant was to take place the next day and they have not rested well at all for several nights as Mal has not been feeling well. Yesterday as I was coming down the hall on my way to Mal's room, I ran into her mom, Tina. I ask her how things were and the first thing she said to me was that they had a wonderful night's sleep, the first in many many nights! I just stood there... she had no idea that we had prayed specifically for that night of rest!!
Another sign, just look at the pictures of Clay :) These were made yesterday, one day (day +1) post transplant. This precious little guy is doing so good. He is showing off his bag of Easter M&M's. We all know that M&M's takes care of whatever is giving you trouble! He was up and talking away and looked so good. Hopefully those M&M"s along with the Easter basket full of calories that he will get today, will help put some fat back on his bones. Check out his link, you can just hear the joy in mom's post. Again, our night of prayer for Clay asking for his transplant to go well, smooth with no complications seems to have been heard and answered!! See, PRAYER WORKS!
I got to pop in real quick and visit with Elizabeth for just a few minutes, I let my time get away from me and didn't have time to talk to them very much but Michelle is asking for our prayers. She is going to get me a list of specific prayers that we need to be praying for for Elizabeth. For now, let's just pray for her to be healed.
She is as cute as can be, such a precious little girl.
I spoke to Alex V's mom yesterday. They finished up with their appointments early and were released to go on their merry way, so they took advantage of being on Spring Break and went on to Hot Springs, AR yesterday. They will stay there until Friday for a nice and relaxing visit. They did get very good news from the test that was done on Monday, but I'll let her make her post and share that with you. She will probably post when they return home. Keep watching...
I ran into Pam, Trevor's mom, in the hall on the transplant floor, she said Trev was feeling "pretty" good but he is really having a difficult time emotionally with the loss of Mary Kate. This has been very difficult for many of the St Jude family and it's not getting any easier. Please keep everyone in your prayers, to find a place of peace and comfort. Pam did find out yesterday for sure that they were getting to go home for Easter! This is very exciting for them. I just hope they don't go AWOL after this visit! Just kidding, I know she would not do that. We pray for their safe trip home.
Check everyone's updates. Jonathan has a new update, he is back inpatient. Hopefully he will be able to get home again soon.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter holiday weekend. Please keep those who will face their fist holiday or another holiday without their loved one in your prayers. This is one of the most difficult times they will ever face. There is a book titled THE EMPTY CHAIR Handling Grief on Holidays and Special Occasions. It is written by Susan J. Zonnebelt-Smeenge, R.N., ED.D and Robert C. DeVries, D, Min., PH.D. Someone gave this book to me when I lost my Dad, I really love this book and try to share it with others when they find themselves in need of it. It's a small paperback, around $10.00.
Here is an "idea" for the day... go buy some eggs and color them! No matter what age you or your children are, it's EASTER EGG TIME and it can make you feel young!
Enjoy your day, I'll be traveling this evening to go to Oklahoma to visit our oldest college son and watch him play baseball. I'll try to keep up and make some post, but if you don't hear from me for a few days, just please check the links and let the parents keep you updated. Let's leave everyone a msg on their comment sections and let them know you are thinking about them and give any encouragement you can. It is not fair that these precious little ones have to find a way to get the Easter Bunny into the hospital!!
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Big Day Today!!!!!!!
Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.
Philippians 4:6-7
Today is a big day, a new beginning for Clay! Last night we had a wonderful prayer night for Clay's successful transplant today. Thank you to all of you who came into chat and joined us for this. I just spoke with Arie and they are very appreciative for last night and will appreciate our continued prayers. She does not know yet what time the actually transplant will take place. Probably sometime around 3:00pm. Could be a little before, could be a little after, there are many factors involved all being related to the cells themselves. Obviously, they have to arrive at the hospital first! After everything is processed... it will be a GO! We are so excited and thankful Clay has finally arrived at this day... his new beginning.
We have another prayer opportunity tonight... WE WILL BEGIN AGAIN TONIGHT AT 8:00PM (MEMPHIS TIME) TO OFFER UP PRAYERS FOR MALLERIE AND HER SUCCESSFUL TRANSPLANT TOMORROW :) The chemo and radiation has made her pretty sick, so please keep her in your prayers today for this to pass and for her to feel better soon. We will take the time tonight to pray specifically for her, for the success of this transplant, and for her family. Please join us again tonight for this. Last night was so uplifting for all of us involved and I personally look forward to another night in prayer for a new start for another sweet young lady needing our prayers. Also, I want to send out a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her younger brother Heath.
Alex V is awaiting results from test yesterday. I don't really know anything yet on her, but I'll let you know when I do.
I want to just put out a quick reminder to those of you who have expressed interest in participating with Sully's birthday gifts for St Jude patients. This is coming together and Jason and Tabitha are so excited about the opportunity to do this. If you want to participate, you still have time. Many of our people are sending gift cards to either Toys R Us, Target...etc. and Tabitha and I will shop with the cards to get a gift for you, to be given in Sully's honor and memory to a child at St Jude. This saves on postage, it can be costly to pay to ship a package.
Enjoy your day today, keep everyone in prayer. Give your kiddo's a hug & kiss and thank God for them.
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Philippians 4:6-7
Today is a big day, a new beginning for Clay! Last night we had a wonderful prayer night for Clay's successful transplant today. Thank you to all of you who came into chat and joined us for this. I just spoke with Arie and they are very appreciative for last night and will appreciate our continued prayers. She does not know yet what time the actually transplant will take place. Probably sometime around 3:00pm. Could be a little before, could be a little after, there are many factors involved all being related to the cells themselves. Obviously, they have to arrive at the hospital first! After everything is processed... it will be a GO! We are so excited and thankful Clay has finally arrived at this day... his new beginning.
We have another prayer opportunity tonight... WE WILL BEGIN AGAIN TONIGHT AT 8:00PM (MEMPHIS TIME) TO OFFER UP PRAYERS FOR MALLERIE AND HER SUCCESSFUL TRANSPLANT TOMORROW :) The chemo and radiation has made her pretty sick, so please keep her in your prayers today for this to pass and for her to feel better soon. We will take the time tonight to pray specifically for her, for the success of this transplant, and for her family. Please join us again tonight for this. Last night was so uplifting for all of us involved and I personally look forward to another night in prayer for a new start for another sweet young lady needing our prayers. Also, I want to send out a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her younger brother Heath.
Alex V is awaiting results from test yesterday. I don't really know anything yet on her, but I'll let you know when I do.
I want to just put out a quick reminder to those of you who have expressed interest in participating with Sully's birthday gifts for St Jude patients. This is coming together and Jason and Tabitha are so excited about the opportunity to do this. If you want to participate, you still have time. Many of our people are sending gift cards to either Toys R Us, Target...etc. and Tabitha and I will shop with the cards to get a gift for you, to be given in Sully's honor and memory to a child at St Jude. This saves on postage, it can be costly to pay to ship a package.
Enjoy your day today, keep everyone in prayer. Give your kiddo's a hug & kiss and thank God for them.
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
Monday, April 6, 2009
A New Week ... Hope For A Cure
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. I Peter 1:3-5
It's Monday, again...where did the weekend go?
Well, Salena (top picture) should be on her way as I am typing back to Chicago. Yesterday proved to be pretty exciting and scary for her and mom. LaDonna's tie-rod on her car broke as she was driving and she ended up in a single car accident, and down in a ditch. Thank You Lord, they were okay, just really shaken. Read her update, she is getting closer each day to her transplant. Things are going well so far, she is feeling good and enjoying being at home some.
Melinda has an update, Trevor (second picture) is doing very well. They are very pleased that he is not having any major side effects from his chemo. The first chemo he took right after diagnosis made him so sick, but he is doing well with this one. Read her update, it will put a smile on your face... little boy and princess girl playing in the dirt!!! Let's keep them in prayer, pray that this chemo will take care of the tumors and he will have complete healing.
Reagan (third picture) is doing well for now too. She is playing and seems like she is feeling well, outside of getting tired more easily. Both she and Amy can really use our prayers. Amy has had a rough weekend, it seems to come and go like this. This is very normal and she just needs to know she is loved and that there are many prayers going up on their behalf. Amy is such a sweet and loving mom, she has had alot on her, but she is very strong and determined to find the best course of action for Reagan. Please pray for her and her research. Noah's mom, Beth, and Amy have become very close friends through this journey and are working together to try to find anything they can to help Reagan and Noah and so many others who are fighting this battle. Please keep Reagan and Noah in your prayers, read their updates.
Mallerie (fourth picture) and Clay are hanging out in the transplant unit getting ready for the biggest week in their young lives. Clay will receive his transplant tomorrow and Mallerie gets hers the next day on Wednesday. Remember tonight beginning at 8:00 (Memphis time) we will have a special prayer time to pray specifically for Clay and the success of his transplant. We will do the same tomorrow evening at 8:00 for Mallerie. Please join us in the chat tonight and again tomorrow night for this special time. We also need to remember to keep the donor's for both Clay and Mallerie in our prayers too. I stand amazed at the wonderful people who so willingly give of themselves to someone they have never met. If you are not on the national registry to be a bone marrow donor, please think about it, pray about it and consider becoming a donor. Just think, because of someone willing to be a donor, Mallerie, Clay and Salena will have a chance at life now, without them the future would be very bleak for these kids. I pray a prayer of praise for these unknown donors.
Mallerie has been pretty sick the past few days from the chemo, encourage her and pray for her to feel better soon. Clay has had some nausea the last day or two also, it's so wonderful to know that he is now done with chemo... NO MOE CHEMO!!! That's the best party you can have at St Jude!!! It comes complete with nurses and doctors singing a silly NO MOE CHEMO song and lots and LOTS of confetti, cheers and balloons!!! It'a a big deal.
Elizabeth and Trevor both have new updates and are not feeling to well at this time. Please keep them in prayer. They have been through transplant and are just dealing with issues post transplant. Pray for their quick recovery. They want to be at home with their families so much.
Alex V. is back in Memphis today for testing and checkups. Please pray that they will get good news from the test this week. Alex is such a sweet girl, she is so determined to beat this and go on with life to the fullest! I hope to see them today, and I'll keep you posted.
Harley is back in Houston for his chemo today. Please keep him and his family in prayer. His mom's purse was stolen out of her car while she was filling up with gas at a gas station yesterday while on her way to Houston. That was the last thing she needed to deal with at this time. There is a little angel from this group who is going to meet with her today and help her out with some food and funds to get her back home. Doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy to know there are still people in the world so generous? This has not been the only thing done for this family, a couple of our special ladies have been taking care of them when they come to Houston for treatment. Thank you ladies... your very special to all of us.
Ok, my husband just invited me on a lunch date, so I'm gonna stop here and take him up on it! Have a great day :)
Believe-Prayer Works
Team Believe
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