Monday, September 27, 2010

T-Shirt Time!

I've been patiently waiting for the t-shirt design artwork to come back.... IT'S HERE!! This is the design that will be on the back of our 2010 St Jude Marathon t-shirts. Our team logo will be on the front. The team logo will have a few names add ed this year to the circle of stars but other than a change in the date, it will remain the same as we created last year. I am also very excited to share with you that we will be offering a few new "TEAM BELIEVE" items. We will have our team t-shirt in both short and long sleeves. It will be a white shirt with light royal blue print. The company doing the shirts this year is only one of two print shops in Memphis that have a new process to do full color, yet it is still screen print and not a photo transfer, so it will hold up just like screen print. They can take a four color design and mix the four colors and make 16 colors. Pretty neat process! Along with the short and long sleeve T, we will be offering a light grey hoodie with your choice of our team logo or the words "Team Believe" in the center front, a pair of light grey sweats to match and a baseball style running cap with "Team Believe" on the front. Allison will get our pay pal button back up on the blog for you to order your shirts and sweats and hat. I know you will want it ALL! As always in the past, the sale of our team clothing is a fundraiser for our team and 100% of the profit goes directly to St Jude. This is another way you can help us out and get something really nice in return too. Remember, you do not have to be on the team in order to wear the team clothing and show your support for Childhood Cancer Awareness and St Jude. Order away and show your support!

For those who may not know, this is our Hero for this year that we will be honoring by running for him... Jordan James. I took this picture when he was here for his very healthy 2 year post transplant check-up. He and his family will be here to run with us again this year. They are so excited and working so hard down in Louisiana raising money for our team. Jordan is with Dr. Scott in this picture. Dr. Scott is our Hero too, he was Jordan's primary doctor during his treatment and transplant.
On a side note, I have a shirt for Jordan to wear that says "Thank You St Jude, You Saved MY Life"! I can't wait for him to put it on and hits the streets of Memphis in December.

As soon as Allison is able to get our pay pal button up we will begin to take orders. We will take orders until Friday October 29,2010. I have to get the order in to the print company on Monday November 1, 2010 in order to have it processed and ready to mail out for those who will be coming to Memphis for the marathon weekend. I will not be able to accept any late orders, it will go to print only one time.

Have you confirmed your hotel room? They are filling up, so don't wait and miss out on our half price discount for the rooms I have blocked off for us. Hopefully you all are coming up with some great items for our silent auction. You can either bring them with you or ship them to me ahead of time if you do not want to travel with them. Again, even if you are not on the team and traveling to Memphis, if you want to donate an item for our silent auction to help our team reach our goal, you may send them to me.

News on our kiddo's... Little Trevor was here this past week for his scans and chemo. His MRI show that his tumor remains "stable". So he continues his chemo. He is doing very well, looks great and has more energy than the energizer bunny! Praises of thanks for how well he is doing.

Big Trevor had knee surgery today. Pam explains what they did on Trevor's CB page, I'll let you get the info from there. It is a totally new process to me, one that I am not familiar with at all. The chances of it's success are less than 50%, so I ask you to be in prayer for it to be successful for him. He looks good and was feeling good (probably from pain meds) when he came out of surgery. I hope he will have a quick and successful recovery, He will have tomorrow off, then has some appointments at the Jude on Wednesday.

Preston is on his way to transplant. He is set to receive his transplant on Wednesday. His donor will be harvesting tomorrow, so I ask you to please be in prayer that all goes well for his donor. Pray for a speedy recovery for his donor. Pray a prayer of praise for the loving giving spirit of the donor. Pray for a successful transplant for Preston.

I have had so much going on the past few weeks. I apologize for such a long delay in posting. My "extra" time has been very short. It's late and I'm going to turn in for tonight but I did want to get the design up so you could see it. I hope you all love it as much as I do. I think Jordan's family did a great job, they knew exactly what they wanted. Dr. Scott and Jordan!

Sleep well, pray hard and love those around you with all of your heart.


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