Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Will They Say About You?

Mikey's Celebration of Life service today was beautiful. There were several different ones who spoke about Mikey during the service. The one common thread that you heard over and over was about Mikey's smile and his gentle kind heart and true love for his friends and family. I realized as I was sitting there, that Mikey's service was written by none other than himself. The way he lived his life, loved his Savior and his family and friends, was what was on everyone's heart and what they wanted to tell about Mikey. Makes me really think about how I live, how I treat my family and friends and even those I do not even know, am I living a life that there will be anything good to say when my time comes. We all have good days and not so good days, we have our highs and our lows... it's how we deal with the "not so goods" and the "lows" and other times in our lives that present trials that are writing the story of our life for all around us to read and see. Stop and think about it... what are you writing about yourself today. No one can control the pages of our lives but us.

Prayers continue for Dina and the family and friends. There are going to be some really difficult and trying days to come in the next few days/weeks, please keep Dina and family in your prayers as they work through these times.

I had the honor of being the "Mistress of Ceremonies" tonight for the Kick-Off Hero's Reception here in Memphis. It was a wonderful and informative evening. It was all put together by Christopher Beck, he did an outstanding job. The room was standing room only this year!!! I got some new info that will really help with our Marathon experience this year. There is a great deal of info and some really neat opportunities to tell you about for this year. I'll share those in another post. There is a big new change in the Pasta Dinner that is sponsored by the Hero's Program that I want to share with you and get some feedback from you on. More on this later....

Services for Natalie and Nicole's grandfather & Sandy's dad will be tomorrow at 10:30. Please keep them in your prayers as they get through this sad day.

I'm gonna cut this here... I've got a baseball game to get to tonight. Tyler is pitching, so proud mom needs (well wants) to be there!!



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