Thursday, December 3, 2009

Praying Today... Lots to be thankful for!

This will be short and sweet today :)

If anyone needs to reach me after this post is posted, you will need to please contact me by cell phone. I will be away from the computer except for brief checks on things. All team members were given cell numbers for both Allison and myself, please make sure you have those stored in your phones. Thanks...

I am out the door in a few here for the rest of the weekend. The decor will be going up in a few hours! IT REALLY IS HERE.
I will be making pick-ups at the airport for the representatives coming from Texas, then later this evening the New York representative will be flying in. Part of the Arkansas group will be here this afternoon too and our honored Mom and daughter from Greenville, Mississippi will be here this afternoon too!!! We are being assisted by Team Elizabeth Grace's mom and some of her family today with our efforts to get set up and decorated. They will be joining us for dinner. It will be a busy busy day. I can not wait.

Our team total as of this morning is $18,732.00!!!! Wow, I am so amazed and so grateful to everyone who has help us reach this amount of money! We are all overwhelmed. BY THE WAY... YOU CAN STILL MAKE ONLINE DONATIONS!!! If we could top $20,000.00 I think this team might all be willing to shave our heads or something like that!!!! (I wonder how many team members just flipped out when they read that???) Thank You so much to each and everyone of you who are making this possible not for us, but for a second chance at life for many MANY little children who fight for their life each day. THIS GROUP CAN TRULY SAY WE ARE SAVING LIVES!!!! When I say this, I do include you who have donated even $1.00 as part of "this group". There are just not enough Thank You's to be said. Thank You.

I will try to update as possible, I don't want to leave you guys hangning. I love each of you even if I don't know you. If you are coming here to be a part of this effort and a part of helping to encourage and pray for these kids and their families... I love you for your sweet spirit and hearts.

Please be praying for Rylee today, she was admitted to the hospital in Oklahoma again last night. This is the third time in a few short weeks. Please pray for them to find what is causing her problems. Samantha did say last night the new cardiologist want to run different test to check out some other things, he is beginning to feel there is more involved than just her heart.

Also, many of you follow Natalie Cravens. She and her family have become very special people to our team members, her sister in law has just been diagnosed with MS. Her name is Angela, she is 24 years old and has only been married to Nicole and Natalie's brother for one year now. She is really sick at this time and needs all of the prayers we can send up for her. She is in the hospital in Jackson, TN at the moment but they feel they will be transferring her to Vandy in Nashville in the next day or so. She will need some rehab before she will be able to go home. Please be praying for this sweet family. Nic, Nat and parents will be with us for our dinner too!!!

Pray for them all... each and everyone. I pray a prayer of thank and praise for each of you. Have a great day!



So much for short and sweet, right! Shorter and sweet ;)

1 comment:

  1. go team believe! we are cheering you on from fast, love lots, and eat much. Rylee and I will be thinking about yall tomorrow ~we love you all...thanks for all the prayers
