I will praise you forever for what you have done;
in your name I will hope, for your name is good.
I will praise you in the presence of your saints.
Psalm 52:9
God is so GOOD! At times when it seems to many ( and one is to many!) of our precious children are leaving their earthly home and joining Jesus in their heavenly home all because of cancer, we will see the glory and goodness from our Heavenly Father when one of his children is deemed cancer free. We praise Him and give Him all the glory. I do not begin to even try to understand why some earn their wings and their reward of an eternal home in heaven and others are made well and are left here. I just have to remind myself that we are told in the bible that God has a plan and God is in control. This is where the faith and the trust in our Lord's written word comes into play. I choose to either BELIEVE with all of my heart and soul and turn my heart over to God or I choose to live in a state of being lost in my emotions and my convictions. I strive daily to keep my eye on the Lord, and place my faith and trust totally in Him and His word. I pray my hearts desires, but I must being willing to accept when God says that He has a different plan, and His plan is best even if I do not understand it. It does not mean that at times I am sad or my heart hurts because His plan was not my desired plan. Having said that, I do want to be thankful, grateful, rejoice and give God the glory when a prayer is answered. I am so thankful to tell you that Jordan has had another CANCER FREE check up, and the doctors and everyone involved in his treatment and care are simply amazed with him. For those of you who have been a part of this group from the time Jordan first came into our lives, you know the story. For the new people who have joined us, and we are so thankful that you have joined us, I want to give you a little back ground so you can truly appreciate the testimony of this little child's life.
Jordan was born on a Thursday night in Lafayette, LA. He and his mom were brought to Memphis to St Jude by ambulance on Friday. His mom, a young single college student, was told that Jordan's chances to make it through the weekend were not good. She was pretty much told, that if he happened to make it, that due to seizures from a brain bleed and leukemia that he was born with that he would be blind, have no hearing and no ability to speak. Basically, if he lived he would be in a vegetative state. He was born July 3, 2007. Jordan began treatment at St Jude when he was a tiny 5lb baby and only a few days old. He went into remission within the first three weeks. At 7 months old, on Valentines Day 2008 Jordan received a Stem Cell transplant. He did great with his transplant. The days following transplant while inpatient in the BMT unit began to show that Jordan not only had a great chance to be a surviver, but also that he could see and hear. Skipping forward to today, Jordan turned 2 this past July, he will be coming back in February for his 2 year POST TRANSPLANT checkup. He was here yesterday for his routine every three month check up and just totally amazed his doctors, therapist, and everyone involved in his treatment and care. He is a healthy very active little boy. The only med he is still on is one for seizures, but he has not had a seizure since he was 3 days old so at his two year post transplant visit coming up, they are going to start weaning him off of that medicine. He is receiving his normal immunizations and will begin in a preschool program when this flu season is over. God is Great and even Jordan's doctors will tell you his healing is from above. There is no medical reason why he is alive, cancer free, and a perfect little two and a half year old. We continue to pray for him, we pray that he remains cancer free for many many years to come. Like 99 years or so! Without your prayers and your support to St Jude, these success stories WOULD NOT be possible.
So as my title today says. Here's One Reason Your Doing This... meaning the St Jude marathon! We need more success stories. You can still join us for the 5K! The half marathon is a total sell out and the full is sold out unless you are willing to register as a Hero and commit to raising $500.00. There is a Family Run this year. This is new and sounds pretty cool. It's not to late to join us and it is certainly not to late to make a donation to our team if you can't join us. You can also support our efforts by purchasing one of our Mary Kate team shirts. This is a really neat opportunity to get a shirt that one of the patients designed themselves. LAST DAY TO ORDER IS OCTOBER 31st. That is ONLY 10 DAYS AWAY!!! To make a donation or to order a shirt, just look up in the left margin and you will see both the Pay Pal buttons to order shirts, and then scroll on down and you will see the "click here" link to either register to join us, or to donate to our team. PLEASE HELP US OUT WITH WHATEVER YOU CAN DO.
Mallerie is still in ICU, she and her family really need our prayers for Mallerie's healing and for encouragement for strength. This has been a long journey for them, and they are still needing our support. Leave them a message on her cb page. Let them know you are still here praying for them.
Little Trevor is back in Memphis today for his chemo treatment. With this new protocol, he will be coming every two weeks for chemo. Tonight our favorite local Chili's has yet another big evening planned for him. I am heading down in a few to visit with them. He did very well with his first treatment, please pray for him to respond as well with this one. Pray for this chemo to be successful in treating his tumors.
OK, THE BIG NEWS.... THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR HARD WORK AND TO THOSE WHO HAVE MADE DONATIONS TO TEAM BELIEVE WE ARE BACK IN THE TOP TEN ON THE FUNDRAISING CHART!!! WOOHOO!!! Let's keep it up and try to stay in the top ten! I am really excited about how well we are doing, and I am so looking forward to seeing our team page say... YOU HAVE SURPASSED YOUR GOAL!!! $25,000.00 is a lot of money. We can do it!!! Just think, that does not even begin to cover even 5 minutes in the operating cost of one single day at St Jude. I'll remind you.... it cost over $1.4 million to operate the hospital for ONE DAY! Let's show St Jude and ALSAC that Team Believe loves this hospital and is committed to being a part of the search for the cure for these children. We do not want to have one more family heartbroken by the loss of a child to childhood cancer.
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