Saturday, March 21, 2009

Trust in Him

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust. Psalm 91:1-2

"In Him I will trust." These are words I have to remind myself of often. I pray my hearts desires, and at times I feel that my prayers are not answered the way I want them to be. When the disappointment hits me, I have to remind myself, it is God's will and not my own. "In Him I will trust." are the words that I need to keep me going and to remind myself that I must at all times turn things over to God. Trust that His way, His ultimate plan for us is what I accept and believe in. I pray for the strength to be stronger in my trust everyday.

Yesterday I got to visit with a few people at the hospital. I got to see Mary Kate and Mallerie. Both were in the med-room getting treatments. I must have been a pretty boring visitor, both slept the entire time I was there!! I got to visit with the mom's though. Mallerie is doing well, just trying to stay rested and healthy waiting for transplant. Her transplant has been pushed back a little again, it is not her, she is ready to go. There is something on the donor's part that has it pushed back. Let's just keep both Mallerie and her donor in our prayers that both will stay healthy and they will be able to get to transplant very soon. The doctors have told them this donor is a VERY good match for her. That is the news you want to hear going into this procedure. Mallerie has had some friends from home visiting with her this week on their spring break, and her brother has been able to spend some time here with them on his break too. That has been very good for her. She has meet a couple of other patients who have the same diagnosis she does, so being able to have their own little "aplastic anemia party" as they call it has been like a support group for them. Keep them all in your prayers.

Mary Kate had just finished her second dose of the higher chemo, and thank goodness was able to sleep through it very well. She did not flinch, not even when my cell phone went off just as I can in the room. Now, to give you an idea of how that went.. my phone was in my pocket. The nurse and I slid in at the same time to try to keep it quiet and only open the door once. Just as I got inside the room, my phone started ringing.... in my pocket. Mary Kate is in isolation, so I had on my gown, gloves, etc. and those silly gowns open in the back and are secured with a tie. I will leave it to your imagination as to the hustle trying to get to my phone to shut it off quickly. Let's just say I was able to provide Regina with a little comic relief for the moment. No, Mary Kate never even moved or blinked an eye! Thank goodness. Regina posted an update last night, go check it out. Leave them a message.

We are getting ready for Monday nights PRAYER NIGHT FOR MARY KATE. Prayer warriors, she needs us now more than ever, I am so encourage by those who have already committed to being here for it. We will begin at 7:00pm in the chat room located at the bottom of this page. This is a come and go prayer vigil, come join in when you can, pray with us, leave when you need to. Also, we are still filling in time slots for the 24 prayer chain for Mary Kate. For instance, I have the 7:00-7:30am slot, so as I told Regina yesterday she can know that during that time each day I will be praying a specific prayer for Mary Kate. If you have not signed up for a time slot, and would like to, you may do so by clicking on "comment" at the bottom of this post and leave a message letting us know what time slot works best for you. I told Regina about this yesterday, she had a big smile on her face! There is a link to view the calendar with the schedule, I don't have it right now, but I'll post it when I can get it. This is open to anyone who reads this and wants to be a part of it. Believe, prayer works!!! Let's be in prayer.

Reagan had her moment in the spotlight this week. Check out this link. The local news in her hometown did a special on her. They are such a sweet family, she is a precious little girl. When they got back home this week from their visit to St Jude, the news crew came out and did the interview. They have been so blessed with their new neighbors doing some really wonderful things to help them out. I love to see people come together to help others out, even when it is people you don't even really know. I pray for the success of the big rummage sale to benefit Reagan and her family as they go through this journey with her cancer.

Trevor finished up his week here, and has gone back home. I did not get to see them before they left, so I'll have to post more when I get a chance to talk to Melinda. It was so good to see them. They are such a sweet family too, Trevor is so full of life, he is just a total joy to be around. He is all boy and never slows down. Reminds me of life at my house. I was glad that Morgan, got to be with them this time. Please keep him in your prayers that this chemo they have started him on will destroy this cancer in his brain and on his spine. Also, read his updates as Melinda describes the pain he is in and let's pray specifically for his pain to go away.

I am going to start posting a picture from our last St Jude Marathon weekend from time to time when I post... be watching for some good memories.

I want to encourage you to click on the links located under "Our Friends" and leave these families messages to encourage them and let them know you know about them and your praying for them. I can't tell you how much this means to them and how it lifts them to know they are not sitting in those hospital rooms alone, we are there with them in spirit and prayer.


Believe-Prayer Works


  1. I'm not sure if this is exactly how this works but I just wanted to say that I am praying for all the children over the world with cancer. I hope that all of your families survive this critical time and will be able to live a fulfilling life watching your children grow. As a mother, I could not begin to imagine but I know that prayer works and because of these web postings I pray more than ever now. St. Jude is a wonderful research hospital and our family is a partner in hope. I pray that God will cure these most precious little angels as they do not deserve this horrible disease. May God bless you and I will try to log-in for the prayer night:)

  2. Please sign me up for a time! I love to pray for all of our kiddos!
    Also i would be honored if you would put makenzie's site up here! it is Thank you so much!!! This is a great site and I am so greatful for the time you have spent to keep us all connected and to keep all of the needed prayers alive!! You are awesome!!!!

  3. This is Terri Braswell and we are very dear friends to Regina, Mary Kate and Alyson. We would like to join the 24 hour prayer for Mary Kate. 430am-5am on Tuesday works great for me if it works for you. Just let me know if it does not work. Thanks Terri

  4. I am Mary Kate grandfather, Regina is my daughter. I am alie because of prayer and Regina knows this. The dr. called in my children and toled them that I would not make it through the the night that was 7 years ago.The Lord proved them all wrong. John R. Chapman

  5. I will also be joining you for the prayer vigil...I am on Mary Kates caringbridge site and I wanted to log on to this page and let you know that I will be praying her in Texas for you!!!! xoxox God Is Good All the Time All the Time God Is Good....and With GOD All Things Are Possible!! ((Hugs)) Amy E. McReynolds

  6. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has is also participating in the 24 hour prayer vigil.

    Here is the website that shows the times still available.

    Praying for MK's miracle and for a cure for ALL cancer!!
