Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays!


Goodness, where did the time go? Was the marathon not just a week or so ago? How did I wake up this morning to find it Christmas morning???? Seriously, time has gone by so vey fast, I have been in high gear trying to keep up.

It seems that all of our families are doing very well. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but over Thanksgiving my family went down to Florida to spend some time with the Dunfords after we had Thanksgiving with my family in Mississippi. We had such a great visit with them. DJ and Michelle are doing great, very happy in Florida and the boys are just wonderful. It was so great to be able to spend time with them. We were blessed again last weekend to get to spend a little time with them as they came through Memphis for the night on their way to Peoria to be with Julie, Austin and new baby Madeline Elizabeth Locke. Michelle is Madeline's Godmother. Her baptism was last Sunday and the Dunford's went up to be with the Locke's for the baptism. Both families are doing really good. Keep them in your prayers as they spend today without Elizabeth and Dax.

Preston as of this writing, is not inpatient for Christmas! Please pray that it stays that way! Bless his little heart, he has just had such a difficult time. Please keep him in your prayers for his complete healing and no more inpatient stays.

Eli and his family were able to go HOME for Christmas!! Hopefully they will get to have a wonderful visit at home and he will be on his way to his complete healing.

Little Trevor was here this past week. He is doing great! It was great to get to visit with them during his chemo on Wednesday. He slept through all of it, but Melinda and I were able to have a great catch-up visit! They are such a wonderful family. Please keep them in your prayers and Trevor continues to fight his battle with his brain tumor.

Please begin to pray for Jack and his upcoming visit for his 3 month check-up. He will be here on the 9th of January for a few days of testing. Pray for him to get another report of NED. NED = No Evidence of Disease I'm not sure if I have shared this with you or not, I had to keep it a secret at first, but it's now out... Jack is going to be a big brother!!! Ryan and Katie AND JACK, are expecting a baby on July 7, 2011. I am just so excited for them. Jack will be the best big brother!

There are so many today that are spending this very special holiday without their sweet child. Please, as you pray today for all of your blessings, please pray for all of those with an empty place in their hearts and homes today. Unfortunately, there are way to many to begin listing. Pray for strength for these families and those of you who have an empty seat at your house. Christmas is always a hard day for me, I miss my daddy but I know he is healed from his disease and getting to spend a beautiful birthday celebration with Jesus.

I pray for each of you and for a wonderful holiday season and Christmas Day with your families. Hug each one an extra time, hold them just a bit tighter. Love them just a bit deeper, appreciate them just a bit more and cherish every single millisecond so much more. Family is the glue that holds us together. It may be blood related family, friend family or a serving prayer warrior family, which ever, show your love today.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EACH OF YOU! I love you and cherish you for your hearts and your love you share.

Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What More Can I Say?

Team Believe is the most awesome and amazing team! Thank you to each team member, each person who donated even a single dollar, and certainly to everyone who offered up prayers on behalf of our team and our efforts to raise this money for St Jude. Your prayers were answered! Just a reminder... our goal was $20,000.00! This is the most we have EVER raised in a single year, and it's not over yet!

BELIEVE PRAYER WORKS~ Here is yet another example of proof!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Few Pics to Share....

Our little miracle HERO-Jordan. Sporting his Family Walk Marathon Bib # He was just the most precious little thing.

The force behind the HERO'S program, Christopher Beck, Tyler Sutton, Garrett Sutton, Matt Riley & "Goose". Matt and Goose are a couple of Tyler's teammates from the Hattiesburg BlackSox Baseball team. The organization is now behind our efforts and more of the players plan to join us next year. Notice, Christopher Beck is wearing one of our Team Believe hoodies!

Garrett Sutton, crossed the finish line in the half marathon in 2 hrs 27 min. He did a fantastic job!

Matt, Goose & Tyler right after crossing the finish line.

This years very awesome and adorable FROG TEAM CAKE! Our decorating theme for this year was "Frogs". Jordan loves animals, especially frogs and lizards. This was the most amazing cake and I am very proud to say the sweet cake lady donated it to our team! Thank you very much to Cakes by Diane! Oh, and by the way, even the frog on top was cake and edible.

Everyone did a fantastic job this year. I'm not giving out totals yet, there are more to post. I will say, we have set a team record for our fundraising this year. This team definitely has the respect of the Hero's Program. I am honored to say that this team is a team that is used as an example for other teams to see. I give all of the honor and glory to God for our success. Your prayers for this team has made it the success it is. God is blessing our efforts, and I am truly thankful for this. Please continue to pray for our continued success and also add a prayer of thanksgiving for what He has done so far.

You all are hearing it or reading it for the very first time here.... next year I am very excited and honored to announce that Team Believe will be walking/running in honor of our precious Little Trevor!!! I talked with his family today and they are just thrilled to have Trevor as our Hero to Honor for 2011. Start making your plans for next year. Be a part of this incredible weekend of events and help us honor Little Trevor.

I'll post more pictures and more details in a few days.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fantastic Weekend!

Well, it rained for forty days and forty nights.... I am wondering right now if one can sleep for forty days and forty nights! It was a wonderful weekend, as always it comes to an end much to soon. I have lot's to share with you, but right now this old gal is going to get some rest. I did want to let you know all the prayers for the success for this weekend were definitely answered. Everyone made it here safe and sound, everyone completed their run/walk successfully, and everyone, as far as I am aware, had a great time together! I think we only had one to draw blood, a few to beat their personal best records and MANY to wake up this morning having a little level of difficulty getting out of bed and moving! Guess that is to be expected when these awesome people push themselves to go above and beyond the normal to participate in an event such as the St Jude Marathon. We had many new people to join us this year. I hope we have hooked them and they will be returning every year.

I'm gonna keep this short for now, however I do want to share that we have an amazing total of OVER $25,000.00 raised so far! Did you catch the "so far" part? Be watching.... there will be a grand total posted soon. If it does not knock your socks off and make you so proud to be a part of this group by either the donations you made to the team, or the prayers you offered up for this team or if you participated as a team member, then NOTHING WILL! Be watching~

I'll post pictures soon too.

A TREMENDOUS THANK YOU to everyone for all of your love and support during this marathon.


Friday, December 3, 2010

And Let The Fun Begin

The first team members have arrived, the set up for the team dinner which will be later tonight has begun. Goodie bags are being filled for each team member. Auction items for our silent auction are being set up. Cheesecakes have been delivered, team cake will be delivered later this afternoon, food will arrive from caterer around 6:00pm. The evening will begin with everyone coming to the team dinner at 6:30. It's here! Let the weekend blast begin!! I just can't tell you the thrill of victory here. I wish everyone who reads this, could experience this incredible weekend of events.

The weather is supposed to be close to perfect. There is a 20% chance of rain, but we look at it more like there is an 80% chance of no rain. I like our odds pretty well Please keep each participant in this event in your prayers for safety and no injuries.

I am very happy to share some great news with you. As of late yesterday evening, we have reached and exceeded our team goal of $20,000.00!!!! As of bed time, we were actually well over 23,000.00! This team of awesome people never cease to amaze me. They really kicked it in to high gear when the crunch time came. I am so proud to be a member of TEAM BELIEVE! Here in the last week, our team total has gone up 1,000.00 or more everyday! Ya'll that is just incredibly awesome!

I'll try to post again after the dinner and include some photos. If you do not hear from me, no worries, just busy and I'll post as soon as possible.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support for the events of this weekend.

Keep our kiddo's in your prayers.