Friday, July 31, 2009

A Christmas To Remember

Not many people get to have a parade just for them. Not many people get to celebrate Christmas in July. Texans NEVER get to have snow in July.... but Reagan got them all!!!! What a special weekend for such a special little girl! I just love this family and all they are doing for Reagan and the family. When Reagan ask her daddy recently when Christmas would be here, all he could say was.."soon, honey, soon". And that is just what happened, soon was July 25th and it was Christmas in Krum, TX. I am not even going to try to tell you about all of this, I am going to let some eye witnesses give you an accounting of this wonderful outpouring of love and care for Reagan and her family. I do want to say, this entire thing started with a simple request from her Dad to his homeowners association for permission to put up Christmas lights and decorations at their home for about a week so they could have Christmas for Reagan. Go to her caringbridge page, go back several days in the journal and you will find several entries that have links to photo's and also to the local news stations with video clips of their coverage of this awesome event. As I warned you before when I told you this post was coming.... get your box of kleenex out and ready!!!

The following is taken from an email from Memeow (Barbara) that I received last Friday, the day before the big parade. You can see how this event just really is beginning to blossom.

Mardecia, Reagan is a movie star! She has been on two television station several times on thursday and friday morning they are coming out saturday night to cover her again. There is a link on her site for channel 11 and channel 8 I'm sure Shawn will get on there eventually. ( WFAA Channel 8 Dallas tx) Shawn had an interview with Kidd Kradic this morning and I thought that was local radio station ( North Texas) but it must air all over the country. Thats good for pediatric cancer awareness. She is having dinner with Cody Lindley today, he is Hannah Montanna's boyfriend on her show. So much is happening right now we are a little overwhelmed but will be ready for another round I'm sure by Monday. Reagan is happy and doing pretty good and we are loving and enjoying her every minute. Talk to you soon.

The following is another email sent from Barbara on the morning of the parade. I am sharing these with you with permission from Barbara so you to can get an idea of all of the involvement and excitement that was going on all for Reagan and her family.

Just wanted to let you know your Fed Ex box of packages arrived yesterday and while we were there Karissa opened it and placed all the gifts under the tree. All is going well for Reagans Parade tonight. People are coming from all over the state and fire trucks are coming from other communities. We live 55 minutes away and found out our town River Oaks is sending a fire truck.Shawn was interviewed on the Kidd KRADICK RADIO SHOW yesterday and they have recieved call and journal entries from all over the U.S. Some dog breeder brought Reagan a tiny minature yorkie puppy she named "Harley" they normaly sell for $1000., she went to the studio (Harley in tote) to spend time with Cody Lindley,(Hannah Montanna's boyfriend on her show, and he was on "Dancing with the Stars") He got in the floor and played with her and she thought he was really cool.She has been on every newscast on two channels since 5pm Thursday.Usually they just cover you one day but she's been on early morning ,noon,5pm,10pm and midnight.They are also coming out to cover everything tonight.I think thats great because it brings coverage and awareness to pediatric brain cancer which could generate donations to help find a cure. A man from Austin is coming up with a machine to produce snow and is donating this to the event.The cordinators were trying to raise $ hire this done but he got word and he is coming to do it for free ! How great is that. Shawn and Karissa are a bit overwhelmed but I'm sure will post when they get time and give all the details. Just wanted to give you some inside details of the goings on around here . Tell everyone Hi at St. Jude and Thank You for all of the wonderfull things that you do for everyone. Barbara

As you are seeing, this simple request to put up decorations for their family to celebrate Christmas with Reagan... became an event the entire area became involved with and truly showed the Richard's family the love of a lifetime. As I sat and TRIED to read this email, all I could do was wipe the tears that were just pouring. This love that spread from MANY miles away and all came together in Krum, Texas is the most touching thing I have ever be a witness to. I am just so sad that I was not able to be there to celebrate this with them. One of our wonderful prayer warriors from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area was able to be there. Jon was able to go and he was so kind and wonderful to call me and let me listen to the band playing... we both just sat and cried. Jon was able to meet some of the family members and pass the well wishes from Team Believe on to the family.

He was so sweet and kind enough to write up something for you from his trip to Krum. He wanted to share this with all of you from a first hand perspective. The following is from Jon..

Good evening,

Last night I was blessed to get to go to Krum, Texas and witness one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. I went to Reagan Richards Christmas in July parade. The parade was supposed to start about 8:00 pm but eventually started about 8:30. I got there a little after 7:00 pm and took the time to walk around the area and see what was happening. The parade participants gathered around an elementary school that was just a block from Reagan’s house.

I viewed the following: Two fire trucks of the long ladder type had their ladders extended and between the ladders---way up in the air was a banner that read “Merry Christmas Reagan”. This was not a homemade banner but was quite well done. The banner was right in front of her house. I choked up looking at it. There were 16 or 17 different cities that sent fire trucks for the parade from all over North Texas. At least 200 motor cycles as best I could count. Probably 50 or so horse units------big surprise horses in Texas. Also there were several floats with cheerleaders on them---all cheering for Reagan. Yards in the neighborhood decorated for Christmas---popcorn machine---snow cone machine---police units from all over the area and finally a snow blowing machine that a guy brought from I believe the Austin area. He actually blew the snow at the end of the parade. A good portion of the parade was after dark so as each fire truck or float passed, they were all decorated with Christmas lights. There were probably at least 2,000 people that turned out for the parade. We all parked across the highway in a pasture and walked across to the subdivision where her house is located. I failed to mention that the local high school band and choir was stationed on the corner singing and playing Christmas carols. (I choked up again.) The final participant that I must mention was a helicopter. The local air ambulance service is called Care Flight. I know we all have some form of that. Just before the parade started, here came a Care Flight helicopter----not just fire trucks and police cars but a helicopter. They buzzed the area a couple of times and then just hovered for several minutes------------all for Reagan.

Reagan came out before the parade started and her dad took her over to get some popcorn and a snow cone. She walked across the street holding his hand. Then she went back and took her “throne” a big stuffed recliner—to watch the parade. They also had a portable air conditioner to keep her cool---it was after all over 100 degrees Saturday evening.

It was in many ways the warmest Christmas ever in Texas. I have never felt so much love in one place for one person in my life. I was blessed to be there and I pray that God will provide a miracle for this family.

A young man many millennia ago asked the question “Am I my brothers keeper?” and God’s unspoken answer to all of us is ---YES.

Keep praying—keep the faith---hug your children. I love you all. Jon

My hope and desire is that each person sitting in an elected position that has the power to vote on spending for funding for research for CHILDHOOD CANCER will see the coverage from this event and I just pray that their hearts will be as touched by this act of love and kindness for a precious little girl that has no hope of a medical cure, only the prayer of a miracle from our Heavenly Father. Just think... with more research it might be possible to find a cure for the type of cancer that Reagan has. The cure rate is so very low for this type of cancer. Please pass this info and these sites along to your senators and congressmen and ask them why there is not more funding from our government for research to help find a cure... to help improve the stats for a cure rate.

You can also play a part in this by making a donation of ANY dollar amount to St Jude through TEAM BELIEVE. This can be done very simply and fast right here on this page. Simply go to the top left corner under the page title and click on Donate to St Jude This will take you directly to the St Jude webpage that has been set up by St Jude for Team Believe. Please take a few minutes and give whatever you can to help find a cure. Save these children.

Please keep praying for all of our kids that are still fighting their fight with childhood cancer. Pray a prayer of praise and give God the glory for those that are home tonight healed from their cancer. Pray that they remain cancer free all the days of their life, and that they will be a testimony for God's love and power all the days of their long lives.


United In Prayer.... Keep Praying Keep Believing

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. Palm 111:10

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen Galatians 1:3-5

Thank you from each of the family members of Elizabeth, Alex and Dax, our AML M7 kiddo's all in ICU at this time, for the special prayer night last night for each of these children. Each of these babies are so sick right now and need your continued prayers. Each family, whose link is on our page under "Our Friends" need your encouragement too. Each and every comment left in their guestbook is a treasure and a reassurance that they are not alone. It is such a comfort for them to know people whom they do not even know, have heard about their child through one source or another and are praying for them. You can be a part of this comfort to each family. I did not get to join you here last night, but I had calls from several telling me it was a blessing and a great time spent in prayer for the kids. We had a big family & friends circle of prayer including the families of the kids last night during this time in the ICU waiting room. We all joined in a big circle, held hands and shared prayer together. It was very touching and uplifting. Again, another example of how these families bond together and support each other.

Alex, had his BMA this morning. I have not heard any of any results from this yet. Please keep praying for these results to come back showing infection not leukemia. I just can't imagine how this waiting time must be the most stressful time ever. Please keep praying for them to find peace and comfort in Him while they are waiting for these results. Many of the extended family members arrived in Memphis yesterday, and there are more traveling today. Please keep them and their safe travel in your prayers too. Lord, we ask for You to protect and heal Alex from this terrible disease. Free him from his pain and make his body whole and healthy again Lord, if it be Your will. In Christ Name, Amen.

Elizabeth is holding her own, not much change from what I have heard this morning. Please keep praying for her healing and for her brain to recover to normal. Father, please be with Elizabeth and her family as they take one day at a time and wait on You Lord. They patiently wait for Your timing and ask that You heal Elizabeth so she can show Your power to all of the many people whose lives have been touched by her and the faith of her family. Be with them,
Lord. In Christ Name, Amen.

I have not heard anything on Dax today. I did add his link to our list of "Our Friends" yesterday, so you can now go to his site from here to keep up with him. Lord, we just ask that You hold Dax in Your loving arms, and give him the healing that so many are praying for. We just ask that You will be with him, his family and all of the teams of doctors who are taking care of these kids. We pray that they will make the best decisions on how to best treat the kids to cure them from their cancer and to have no ill side effects from the treatment. In Christ Name, Amen.

Mallerie was having several test and biopsy's being done today. Keep her in your prayers, she is in quite a bit of pain and just not feeling well at all. They are trying to get to the root of her problems to determine how to treat her and get her back to her normal health. She is just such a sweet girl and it is so heartbreaking to see her feel so bad. Lord, we pray Your healing hands on Mallerie, restore her good health and let her return home to her friends and family. Be with her family as they take care of her, give them comfort. Lord, we love You and we know You can heal each of these kids, if it be Your will. In Christ Name, Amen.

PLEASE KEEP PRAYING... for all of the kid's. I will post updates during the day if I hear of any changes or results from any of the test being done today.

Hug your own babies, regardless of what age. Our children are one of our greatest blessings, treasure them, love them and hold them close in your heart. The most important thing you can do for them (In my opinion) is to pray for them each and every day.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


We will be gathering in the prayer/chat room tonight at 8:30 to pray for Elizabeth, Dax and Alex D. All three are AML M7 babies and as of about an hour ago are now all in ICU. This is a very critical situation for all of these babies. Please pray on your own or join us in the prayer/chat for prayer tonight for the babies. I'll post more later, I am still at the hospital for now.

Elizabeth's Prayer

Heavenly Father

I call on You right now in a special way. It is through Your power that Elizabeth was created. Every breath she takes, every morning she wakes, and every moment of every hour, she lives under Your power.

Father, we ask You now to touch Elizabeth with that same power. For if You created her from nothing, You can certainly recreate her. Fill her with the healing power of Your Spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in her. Mend what is broken. Root out any unproductive cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflamation and cleanse any infection.

Let the warmth of Your healing love pass through Elizabeth's body to make new any unhealthy areas so that her body will function the way you created it to function.

And Father, restore Elizabeth to full health in mind and body so that she may serve You the rest of her life.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


This prayer was sent to the family from one of Elizabeth's aunts. Join the family in praying this prayer for Elizabeth.

At this time not really anything new to report. We are at the hospital now, Regina and Alyson came yesterday and spent the night so we are making rounds together today. Dax is in ICU now too. He is having some breathing issues. Please pray for him today too. We will be going down to lunch with DJ and Michelle in a few minutes while Grammie stays with Elizabeth. I will go see Mallerie after we eat.

Please check on all the kids links today, I will post more tonight after I have visited with the ones here.

Thank you from the Dunfords for all of your encouragement and your prayers. They just ask that you keep the prayers coming. You can tell from Michelle's post yesterday that prayers are what they are holding on to right now.


Keep praying... Keep believing


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Time To Every Purpose Under The Heaven

God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness 2 Peter 1:3

Good morning...

Today is a time to rejoice with Jordan. He was back at St Jude yesterday for clinics and labs and we can rejoice with him in yet another CANCER FREE check-up. Jordan is doing great! Just growning up so very fast. We had a really good visit together. When he had his clinic appt. with Dr. Scott, it was Dr. Scott who got the surprise. When he walked into the examination room to come see Jordan, he was greeted by a whole room full! Chance and Jordan, Tabitha, Hannah and Max and myself. We just had a big old reunion gathering. This was a time to rejoice for Jordan but we are also reminded about the approaching one year anniversary of Sully's passing. Sully and Jordan's transplants were one day apart and they were next door transplant buddies during that time. So it was also a time to reflect and be sad. Please keep Jason, Tabitha, Hannah and little Max (well big Max, 5 months and over 18lbs) in your prayers this week. It is a very emotional and difficult time for them. They can use the extra prayers and encouragement.

We really did have a big day, I took Chance and Jordan over to the Target House to visit with Mrs. Jo, she was thrilled to see him and how big he is getting. We met up with Pam and Trevor as they were making their final exit from the Target House as official residents!!! WOOHOO for Trevor... Home bound at last!!!!! A time for great excitement and joy. Keep Trevor in your prayers, as excited as he is, I am sure he has some thoughts and concerns about being away from the life he has known for the past 16 months. I have a high school friend who answered the request for a donation to Team Believe, she is a really big fan of hats, she has quite a collection of them, so I got a St Jude cap and had Trevor sign it for her and it will be on it's way to Las Vegas today. Trevor is our celebrity super star patient forever!

I saw Mallerie's mom for just a minute, Mal is still inpatient and still struggling with lung and stomach problems. Please continue to pray for her and leave her messages on her guestbook. They can really use the encouragement. This has been a really LONG inpatient time for her. We need to pray her right out of that hospital! :)

After our trip out to Target House, we came back to St Jude and met up with the Dunford family. Charlie and Andrew got to hang out and play with Jordan for a little while before Jordan was picked up to go back to the airport for their return trip home. It was a full day for him.

Elizabeth and family really need prayers and encouragement. She is still not waking up. She has opened her eyes some, but there does not seem to be any response or recognition when she does. They are becoming quite concerned at this point about this. She is also weaker than she was when she came off of the vent. The GREAT news is that the places on her liver are gone. The medicine is working in one area, but the disease is taking her little body in other places. There is some concern now about wether or not the places they see on the brain are the same PTLD or yet something else since they have not responded to the medicine like the liver has. As Michelle said to me yesterday, we just need to kill the disease that is in Elizabeth's little body and let her heal. I say AMEN to that, and I ask they you pray harder than ever that GOD WILL HEAL ELIZABETH'S LITTLE BROKEN BODY AND MAKE HER WHOLE AND HEALTHY ON THIS EARTH AGAIN. AMEN Please leave them messages of encouragement and let them know YOU are there and praying for them too. I promise you, they keep a computer up and open to Elizabeth's care page, they read the messages many MANY times during the day, every single day. At times, this is what keeps them going, knowing so many of you are there praying for her.

I did not get to talk with LaDonna yesterday but from her message it sounds as if the infection that Salena is fighting is now in her brain as well. Please keep them in your prayers and let them know also you are praying for them. This is such a setback, coming only a few weeks before she was to be released. As you all have come to see, it's never a done deal till it's a done deal. So when is that? So many relapsing and having post transplant problems... THERE NEEDS TO BE A CURE FOUND AND IT NEEDS TO BE FOUND YESTERDAY!!!!

I beg you, each one of you who follow these children and so many others, even others who are not St Jude patients but patients at other wonderful hospitals around the country, please donate any amount of money you can to St Jude. St Jude shares its research with every other hospital around the country. So even if you know or following someone at another hospital, chances are pretty strong that their information and treatments plan has come from the research being done at ST JUDE CHILDRENS RESEARCH HOSPITAL. So your money given to St Jude DOES benefit every other hospital out there.


These kids need your prayers but they also need your monetary support too. I believe with all my heart, that God leads these doctors and researchers in their research. They need our prayers for them to but it takes money to fund this... please pray about it and donate what you can to help these children. Ok... I'll get off my soapbox now... I just want these kids to all go home healthy and happy and CANCER FREE like Jordan and Trevor have!!!! Thank you for listening to me

Love to you all....



Monday, July 27, 2009

Prayer Request from Dunford Family

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. I Peter 5:8-9

The family has requested for us to pray specifically for Elizabeth's blood pressure to go down. At this time, she is still not awake. Please keep Elizabeth and her family close to your heart and in your prayers now. I will let you know as I know what they feel they need prayers for. Thank you so much....



Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Solid Rock.... Update on Sunday

Sunday afternoon Update....

Need urgent prayers for two of our kiddo's. Elizabeth was taken off of the vent yesterday morning around 9:30, they anticipated for her to wake up within the first hour. As of this writing (2:24pm) she has still not awaken. She also has some involuntary movements going on. Her heart rate, temp and blood pressure are all not very stable. The family ask for your prayers to plead for God's healing hand to be on Elizabeth. Michelle's specific request is to just pray for Elizabeth's total healing here on this earth. The family's faith is the most amazing faith and trust that I have witnessed in awhile. Michelle keeps reminding everyone that none of Elizabeth's problems right now are to big for God. She is 100% correct and I thank her for her unending faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for strength for DJ, Michelle, Charlie, Andrew, the grandparents and all of their family. They need God's strength and comfort right now. Dear Lord, wrap your loving, protecting, healing arms around this precious family. We pray for You to heal Elizabeth, give her complete and total healing here on this earth Lord, if it be Your will. In Christ Name, Amen.

Salena was moved to ICU yesterday. She has had a problem with some infection in her Thyroid gland and they will do a procedure tomorrow to drain the infection out of her thyroid. She has had some scans done that have shown some spots on her lungs. They did a biopsy of these spots, but have not yet heard back from them. They are treating it as a fungal infection for now. She has been having some breathing issues that they seem to feel is connected to the possible infection in her lungs. Please pray for her to be able to get all of this cleared up. She is so ready to go home.

Reagan had the best Christmas any little girl could imagine. I'll share more on this with you soon. I promise it will bring tears to your eyes and faith to your heart in our fellow neighbors and brothers and sisters in Christ. Have your tissue box close by when I make that post......COMING SOON!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS REAGAN :)

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

A mom posted the words to this hymn recently, the more I have thought about these words and these families, I felt it was so appropriate to describe what they must feel when holding firm in God's hand. I have sang this song thousands of times over the years while sitting in worship service, but never thought about the application of the words like I have thought about them recently. "Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay." What comfort, when the bad news keeps creeping back into the lives of these sweet children and their families.

This past week has been been very challenging for many of the families. So many of them have suffered news that they had hoped they would never hear AGAIN. I pray for these families, I pray their hearts will be comforted and their faith will be strong Another hymn that comes to my mind at this time, is LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING ARMS OF GOD. What better place can any of us be than leaning on God? Please be of encouragement in whatever way you can to our families. They need love, support and just your words on their guestbooks gives so much hope and comfort to them.

I will try to give a quick overview, but please go to their pages. Leave them a message.

Clay, sweet precious Clay, has had a relapse. He had done so well with transplant and was packing to go home, on his day +100 BMA and other test, it came back showing his cancer has returned. Specific prayer - pray for the doctors to get him back into remission.

Mallerie has had a very rough week. She is back inpatient again and having stomach issues. She is just feeling miserable and is so ready to just be out of the hospital. Please pray they will soon find what is causing her stomach problems and be able to get her "fixed up". Also, she still needs prayers for her lungs. Specific prayer - pray for her lungs to heal and stomach problems to be resolved.

Alex D, he has also had a relapse. Again, specific prayer request is for him to be in remission again and healed from his cancer forever.

Dax, yet another relapse... please pray for for him to also have complete healing from his cancer.

Ellzabeth, remains in ICU and on the vent. There was some talk last night about trying to get her off the vent as early as today. Bless her sweet heart, she is such a fighter and she is fighting so hard. She still has some bleeding issues and now after doing a MRI recently, they have found some things going on in her brain to cause some concern. They are awaiting more news from these test. Specific prayer - pray for the bleeding to stop, pray for the new medicine to work on the PTLD and not cause other side effects that are so dangerous to her. Pray for her liver and kidneys to heal.

Salena, she is back inpatient. She has had a very tough week too. She was on the downhill side of her hospital stay and ready to go home in a few weeks. However, she has had an infection in her thyroid gland and now after doing some scans to check that out, they have found some places on her lungs. They did a biopsy of these spots yesterday and they are now waiting for these results to know what they are dealing with. Specific prayer - pray for her infection to clear, pray that the places on her lungs will be something they can identify easily and get the right medicine to wipe it out.

Alex V, has been back to St Jude this week for some testing. She has been having some problems with pain, walking and some other issues that they have brought her back to do MRI and scans to see what is going on. I do not know the outcome yet of these test. Specific prayer - that they can identify the problem and that it will not be anything that can't be handled quickly and easily.

Reagan, I hope you have been following her this week. It has certainly been an exciting week in the Fort Worth area. Christmas in July!!! Santa comes tonight ! There are so many things that are happening this weekend, it is totally unreal. I am so impressed with this town and all of the neighborhood association people involved. I can't give away any secrets, it is Christmas you know, but keep a close eye on her site and see all of the wonderful things that are happening for this precious little girl and her family. It will make you so proud to know there are still people in this world with the most amazing hearts. What a lucky little girl Reagan is to have her family and friends. Specific prayer - pray for her miracle! Pray for her to have good days and to feel good.

Trevor V, he is home this weekend, the plan is to come back on Monday and to complete the packing and the move HOME. He looks great, he is feeling good and is just ready to get back home with is buds and enjoy normal life. Specific prayer - pray that everything goes just as planned and that Trevor is healed from his cancer forever and ever AMEM! Congratulations to Trevor and Pam for successful treatment and going home to be with their family.

Please remember Christian and keep praying for her miracle.

Keep praying for all of the kids who are fighting this nasty battle. Pray for their families. These families love their children so much and they hurt and are in such great pain watching what these children go through. Specific prayer- pray that God will hold them all close to him and give them the peace and comfort they need to get through each day. Lord, I pray that each family is standing on the SOLID ROCK!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Praying For Our Babies...

As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness,humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3: 12-14

Keep all of the children in your prayers. So many of them are struggling right now.

Please check out Reagan's site.... what an awesome little girl with an awesome family. Merry Christmas Reagan!!!!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life.

Deuteronomy 30:20
Love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life.

Deuteronomy 30:20

Monday, July 20, 2009

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death. Psalm 68:19-20

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Part 2 - Elizabeth needs prayers, calling on all prayer warriors again!

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7

PART 2 posted at 2:15 pm

Just got a call from hospital, they have been able to drain quite a bit of fluid off of Elizabeth's tummy, her breathing did improve with this procedure being done. However, there is some bleeding going on somewhere and they need for this to stop ASAP. Please be in prayer now for this bleeding to stop NOW. The family wants you all to know how much they appreciate your prayers and your love for them.

Keep praying.... Elizabeth is showing signs of improvement this morning. I know there are many MANY who are lifting her up in prayer and it is showing!! In the above photo taken a few months ago is from left to right; Dr. Sara, Michelle & Elizabeth and Regina (Mary Kate's mom) We are praying for Elizabeth to be well and everyone will be back in the "all smiles" mode again soon.

I hope each of you are enjoying your weekend. Take a few minutes and look around you, see the beauty in the day and say a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for all of the many things God has blessed us with. Look around and see if there is something you can do today to make someone else's day a littler brighter or their load a little lighter. It's amazing how good it can make you feel.

Ok, I know it is still just a little over 5 months away, but.... the marathon will be here before we know it. For those of you who have started following the kids on this blog since the beginning of the year, I want you to know that TEAM BELIEVE is a group of prayer warriors and support people from all over the states. The last time I made just a quick mental count I think I counted at least 9 states that are represented by TEAM BELIEVE. So what I am saying is this, if you are sitting in California or Ohio or even Anywhere, USA you can be a member of TEAM BELIEVE. It is so rewarding to participate in this, please go to the top left of this page and click on Video and check out the news story that one of the local stations did on our team last year. This will give you an idea of what we are all about. We formed and have participated the last two years under the name of Team Ethan, this year we have changed our name and made the decision to select a different child each year to run/walk in their honor or memory. Our new name is TEAM BELIEVE and this year we are so proud to be run/walking in memory of a precious girl named Mary Kate Rushing. You can click on the link to our team page right under the video link and read Mary Kate's story. We welcome you to join us and join in our efforts to help raise money for St Jude. This is our way of doing something to help these kids out. If you have any questions you are welcome to email me. We make this event a full weekend of fun! We have a team dinner on Friday night before the run and are joined by some of our families that we follow here on this blog. Join us, join in the blessing of meeting the kids and families of the ones we support. If you can't be a part of the team and make the trip to Memphis, please consider making donation to St Jude by donating to TEAM BELIEVE. Again, just click on the donate link and you can donate online. For your donation to count toward our goal of raising $20,000.00 for St Jude, the donation must be made through Team Believe. If you would prefer to mail a check, I will post an address later, and the check should be made out to St Jude. Thank you for your support of this WONDERFUL hospital and these AWESOME kids who fight this battle.



Friday, July 17, 2009

Praying Just Makes You Feel Better and Have A Better Day!

PART 2 - 10:08 PM


But Jesus said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Morning, is it really Friday again? I hope that each of you have a wonderful weekend this weekend. I am just very thankful to hear our weather report of cooler weather over the weekend. But, I am not complaining.... in the big picture, what do I have to complain about???

Elizabeth moved from ICU to transplant unit last night. Please pray for her today, she is a very sick little girl. They have planned to do a procedure today to introduce some of DJ's cells to fight the virus cells in her body that are causing this PTLD. She has not had a good night last night, so the report I got this morning is they are not sure what if anything they will be doing today. The MRI that they scheduled for this morning has been postponed. Please pray for her to be able to pee, pray for DJ's cells to be big time fighters and kick some "booty" against these bad guy cells, pray for Michelle, DJ, Charlie, Andrew and the rest of their family as they are hurting right now.

I got a call from Shawn yesterday, he said Reagan is having some really good days mixed in with some not so good ones. I don't know if you have checked her site or not but if your in Texas... you might want to watch the sky in the next coming days for flying reindeer and a big fat jolly man in a red suit! :) It is Christmas in July at the Richard's resident. Now how cool is that!!! Please keep this family in your prayers too. I absolutely love the love this family has for Reagan and all they are doing with her and for her. If love could heal cancer, this would be one of the most healthy boys or girls in the world!!!

I heard there was a missing person report out at St Jude for one missing young man by the name of Trevor V. ;) Just kidding... Trevor got a "yes" from Dr. No (who is now becoming Dr. Yes) to make a sneak trip up to the Chicago area. They have taken a little weekend trip to go visit Aunti Cam as a surprise to her. They had a safe trip up and a successful surprise. Aunti Cam thought she was just going out to eat pizza with some of her family, but when she arrived at the restaurant and was seated she realized that Trevor and Pam were sitting amongst the other family members, guess she was not expecting that at all. They all had a fun time with the surprise and it is so good for Trevor and Pam both to get away and enjoy the "real" world for a weekend. Pray for their safe return home. The plan is for them to finish the "pack up" and to go home this week. This has been a long time coming for them. Please pray that all continues to go well and nothing changes their plans to move home.

I talked to LaDonna last night and she said that if all continues to go well with Salena, they will be released to go home in 3 weeks. WOOHOO!! If you recall, her transplant was a very high risk, so much so that St Jude sent her to Chicago to have it done so they could have a cardiologist and kidney specialist on staff at the hospital in case of post transplant problems for her. We are so thankful that she has really done so very well with her transplant. Just pray for her continued success and to remain cancer free... forever!! They have had a really tough time since her diagnosis, but with God's healing hand, Salena has come through like a champ.

Clay is doing very well and is making plans to move home this next week too. He was a high risk to and God has brought him through to his cancer free status too. Please pray for nothing to come up and get in this little guys way of going home. God has been so good.

Alex V is really having a hard time. I have not talked to her but just got an update on her page yesterday. I will call Joan, I think the update says they are coming to Memphis next week, so I will plan to see them and find out more about what is going on and what they need our specific prayers for her to be. Just be praying for her and for their safe trip.

Jordan will be coming in this next week too for his routine check up. Please pray for him to be just fine, all counts where they need to be and for him to remain cancer free FOREVER :) One of these days when they come back for a visit, I just know they are gonna let me keep him for a week or so! As much as I would love to have him visit, I don't think that will ever happen. They are afraid I would not give him back!!! LOL He is just precious.

I got to see Tabitha and Jason Farrar this past week. I am so amazed by this precious family. They want to much to give back to other families that are suffering the same pain that they did with Sully's journey. Jason went to help the Dunford's move into their new home in Memphis and has continued to reach out to DJ to offer his help and support. Tabitha came to the hospital this week to meet Elizabeth and offer her comfort to the family too. I stand amazed at their love for others and their strength. I know how hard this is for them to do, but they do it for their little hero. Hannah and Max are doing great. Hannah is such an amazing young girl. Max is known by all as the "chunky monkey". He is just precious and is over 18 lbs. at 4 months. He is one healthy baby!! Oh and by the way... he is NOT spoiled at all! Watch out for lightning bolts!!!! I keep telling Tab, he is NOT spoiled but "very well taken care of". He is just too cute. Please continue to pray for them, they are approaching the year anniversary of Sully going home. This is a very difficult time for them.

Please keep Alex D, Dax, Mallerie and Ryan in your prayers. Pray for each one to be and to remain cancer free. We pray for Mal to be disease free and for healthy lungs.

TEAM BELIEVE --- What have you done this week to get your fundraising going?


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Busy Week....

O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. Psalm 30:2

I love the peace in this verse. It is so plain and simple. With a clean and believing heart.... ask what your heart desires. God does hear our prayers.

All I can say is.... WOW what a week or two this has been lately!!!! I am so thankful in times like these that we have an AWESOME God to call on and to lean on. For all of you who ask me or comment to me that you don't know how I do what I do with the families at SJ.... just read Elizabeth's update today and feel the power and the strength in Michelle's faith... I gain from these families. This is how and why I am able to do what I do, which is not much when you look at the big picture.

Speaking of Elizabeth's update.... the diagnosis if finally here! It is not what they wanted to hear, but it was not unexpected. This is one of the things there were suspecting and looking for. I am not even going to try to explain anything about it, Michelle does a great job of that in her update today. The good news is, they do now know what what is going on in her little body and will create a protocol to treat her, and with prayer and God's healing hand, she will overcome this disease too. Keep praying, we got more work to do there!!

Good week for some of our kiddo's ~

Trevor got the word yesterday that with a switch in one of his meds and a few days of watching him after this switch, he will be going home hopefully this week or next!!!! WOOHOO!!! I am really not sure St Jude can function with him not around here all the time :) Going home has been a long time coming and I know this will be a bitter/sweet for Trevor and Pam. Pray for a good week for him and his plans to go home for good will not be delayed any further.

Remember the prayer night for Mal... we prayed for her lungs to heal and for her to get out of ICU and back to transplant, then we talked about praying her out of transplant and out to Target House.... well - happy to say she is out of the hospital and back at Target!!! God has really answered our prayers and the prayers of so many for her. Our God is an awesome God!
I saw her yesterday and she looked so good. Tina said they had to get back into the swing of them going to clinic and med room instead of them being inpatient and everyone coming to them. I don't think Tina and Mallerie will mind this new change one bit at all. Way to go Mal!!! We are so happy for you sweetie!

I saw Kimberly yesterday, she said Ryan was doing well. He is still outpatient, thankful for that, but she said that he has a case of GVHD skin rash. Bless his heart, this can be so miserable for them. Please pray that this passes soon. Ryan is such a cutie and has the sweetest personality. Praying for him to be all better really soon.

Prayers still needed for Alex and also Dax Locke. I don't have his link on the page (have not had the opportunity to ask for parent permission, but hopefully when they return to SJ I can talk with them about that) anyway.... his caringbridge site is I know many of you are already following him, but for those of you who are not familiar with him, he can really use our prayers right now too.

Please check out Ellen's page. Her dad posted a new post today about a Livestrong page that we can all sign and help out the cause to help fight this beast. Please check it out and catch up on Ellen too. Sweet sweetheart!!!

Keep praying, these kids are so sweet and so special. Not to mention so deserving of our prayers and our love.

Have a blessed day!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Praying for Elizabeth and all the Cancer Kids!

Part 2 - I just realized that I did not give credit to the one due the credit for todays post..... This was the direct post from Michelle today on Elizabeth's caringbridge site. I just felt she had said it best, and she had a specific prayer that she had written and ask for us to pray with them, so I copied it to this blog. I feel better now....:)

I did visit with them this afternoon, the surgery went well considering the risk involved. She did come off of the vent this afternoon, but she is in pain and just basically not a happy little girl at all. WHO WOULD BE WITH EVERYTHING THIS POOR BABY HAS BEEN THROUGH??? DJ and Michelle are remarkable in their strength and faith, but I will say that today has taken it's toll of them and their family members. Please pray! I was thrilled today to receive several emails today from churches across the states that have heard our request to add Elizabeth to their church prayer list and emailed me to ask me to let the Dunford family know that they have added them to their prayer list. I LOVE how God works!!!

Please pray for Dax Locke tonight to. He has not been on our list, he was in remission and allowed to go home a few months back however, this morning he was having some problems and they had him at he ER in IL. Please pray for him, I will find out more and let you know.

MONDAY, JULY 13, 2009 9:44 AM, CDT

Elizabeth is going into her surgery shortly. Please pray, pray, pray. This is very risky. Her liver is at 23 today.

Please join in saying this prayer.

Heavenly Father,

I call on you right now in a special way. It is through your power that Elizabeth was created. Every breath that she takes, every morning she wakes, every moment of every hour, she lives under your power.

Father, we ask you to touch Elizabeth with that same power. For if you created her from nothing, you can certainly recreate her. Fill her with the healing power of your spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in her liver, kidneys, brain, lungs. Mend what is broken. Root out any unproductive cells. Open any blocked arteries and veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflamation and cleanse any infection.
Let the warmth of your healing blood pass through Elizabeth's body to make new any unhealthy areas so that her body will funcction the way you created it to function.
And father, restore Elizabeth to full health in mind and body so that she may serve YOU the rest of her life.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Believing and Doing Our Best.....

Even in the rain today.... God is EVERYWHERE! Just look around you.....

I made a little escape last night, my husband along with a couple of our sons and their friends came down to Pickwick for a day on the river....but it's raining today. It's okay, we have our fingers crossed for it to clear off. The boys don't seem to mind, they just put on jeans and boots and left to go find a mud hole on the four wheelers.... look for the best in every situation, right!

I am assuming everything with Elizabeth is about the same as yesterday. I talked with DJ last night and she was about the same, just taking the meds necessary to prepare her for tomorrow. He says that they are fine, just need lots and lots and LOTS of prayers. They ask that we spread Elizabeth's name to every prayer list that we know of. Her name and caringbridge site has been added to the prayer list at the church I attend and I have ask the office to help spread it around to the other congregations in the Memphis area. If we all do that it can really spread. You remember how wide spread Ethan's name was and how fast it spread. We need to be storming the heavens with sweet Elizabeth's name. Our heavenly Father, we come to You with one simple plea. Lord, PLEASE heal Elizabeth. We pray for her to be a light that shines for You Lord for many many years to come. In Christ name, AMEN
Please keep the family members in your prayers as well as some of them will be traveling back to their homes today. Pray for safe travel. Please be praying for the surgery tomorrow on her liver. Specifically pray that it goes well, they are able to determine what they are dealing with, pray for the bleeding to be under control and pray for no infection to set in. Michelle and DJ thank you from the bottom of their hearts for each and every prayer. You can also send them cards of encouragement if you like... the hospital address is listed on her caringbridge site. Just put her name Elizabeth Dunford and ICU along with the St Jude address. They will get them.

Alex D needs our prayers too. We can just pray the same prayer for him... for God to heal him, to take this nasty beast out of his precious little body.

From what I am hearing Mallerie is making great progress! Keep praying, the prayers are working! Isn't that a great thing to witness!!!!

Trevor seems to be doing very well, for this we are all thankful! I know they are so ready to hear those words... move out and go home. 16 year old guys should be out doing the "guy" things and not stuck in a hospital. No child should be stuck in a hospital like these kids are, that brings me to another prayer request.... please pray with me for a cure for all cancers to be found and for this ugly stuff to be a thing of the past!! Thank goodness Trevor is out patient at this time, Pam has been able to be a huge help to the Dunford's. This is just one example of the love between these St Jude families and how they pull for each other the best they can. It's awesome to witness.

We have all been missing Marcella (aka Dixie Gal) in the room lately. She and her mom have gone to Italy to visit family. She is missing everyone and says to say hello to you all from her. Today is her birthday, the big 21 !!! Pray for their safe travels.

Don't forget the marathon!!!!! I have still not received my packet, don't know if anyone else has received theirs or not, but hopefully soon they will arrive. I will tell you... Team Trevor is in the lead at this point in fundraising..... We need to get on the ball TEAM BELIEVE!!!! I do have the Tea Room fundraiser set up for this year again. I am working on setting up a golf tournament.... you can do these things and lots of other great ideas in your area to raise funds for our team. Alison has made new bracelets with Mary Kate's name on them and selling them for a fundraiser.... there are so many things we can do, put your thinking caps on folks :) We have a GREAT start on our team members... now lets get the funds coming in!

More to come on Marathon... we are just getting started but we CAN make a huge difference in these kids lives by giving it our all.

Enjoy your Sunday


Friday, July 10, 2009

Amazing How One Little Person Touches So Many....

God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me.
God answers prayers, God answers prayers, God answers prayers, He's so good to me.
I love him so, I love him so, I love him so, He's so good to me.....

You know the song... keep it in your heart and sing it everyday!!!

Here I sit, tears running down my face.....

I have been reading through some of the entries on Elizabeth's guestbook. This is something I do not normally do, I leave messages but I do not often read messages left by others. Tonight I did. DJ said something about the messages and how awesome they were today so I decided to read through some of them. God is so wonderful and His people are the best on this earth. With this much love behind you, you have to feel it as it embraces you. I know how much strength Elizabeth's family is gaining from each and every message left. One message in particular that tugged at my heart stings was from Elizabeth's doctor. That message was so powerful and says so much about the love shared between doctors and families at St Jude. It is totally like no other hospital you will ever find. I do not take ANYTHING away from some of the most wonderful hospitals all across the states. They have the knowledge, the technology, the equipment, but they do not have the St Jude staff and the heart that operates St Jude. I do not know how to explain it, but it is different. Jason Farrar (Sully's dad) and I were talking to Dr Sara (Elizabeths doctor) yesterday. I made the comment to her that you just do not find doctors like her anywhere, and she replied "oh yes you do" and Jason's follow up comment was "only at St Jude"!! I say to that....AMEN!!! In times of crisis, you see things that you take for granted on a daily basis when things are going good. In a crisis, these families see what the doctors and the staff do to come to your rescue. I am so thankful for St Jude and the staff from doctors, research teams, all the way to the cafeteria staff, cleaning staff, security... each one has a very important job to do, and each one makes each patient and family member feel special. Yes, there are times that a family can get quite frustrated with someone on staff, that is normal, but I do feel bottom line each person connected to St Jude does have a heart for these kids and does love them.

Elizabeth is about the same today... stable but in serious condition. If you have read her update today, you know they still do not know what they are dealing with. This is so scary. I continue to be so amazed at the strength that Michelle and DJ show us each day. They put every ounce of their faith and belief in God's power to heal Elizabeth and the power of prayer. So I beg you, please keep Elizabeth in your prayers each day. Please continue to keep the entire family lifted up in prayer. As of late this afternoon, the game plan is to operate on her liver on Monday to remove some of these spots and see if they can figure out from that what they are dealing with. I pray that they can just figure out what is going on, then I pray that they have the treatment for it. My heart tells me that God will take care of that prayer request. Our God is an AWESOME God!

I talked to Melinda today, little Trevor T had a good visit at St Jude this week. They did his MRI yesterday, but will not know the results for a couple of days. She will call me and update his caringbridge site when she knows. He is feeling better and he looked great. Please be praying that the MRI will show shrinkage in his tumors.

I also talked with Barbara (Reagan's grandmother) today. She said Reagan is having so much fun doing all kinds of really neat things. She has been having some headaches each day this past week or so, but they are able to control them with the minimum of medication. They are thankful for that. She has been eating very well and feeling good. We thank God for each day that she has that she is able to go and enjoy herself and her family. Please keep this precious family lifted up in prayer too. They are doing such wonderful things for Reagan, Avery and Caleb.. they have a new step brother!!! Congratulations to Shawn and Karisa. They are doing a wonderful job keeping Reagan comfortable and peaceful while having a total blast!!!! I think I want to go spend a weekend with them.... they know how to have a good time!!!

Please keep all of the St Jude kids and the other kids fighting this nasty disease in other hospitals in your prayers. Please pray for Alex Denton and his family. They got the most dreaded news yesterday that Alex's cancer is back. They have a game plan for treatment, please pray that is is successful and Alex will be healed. Keep praying for big Trevor V, Ryan, Mallerie, Clay, Salena and Harley. There are others... keep each one lifted up in prayer for God's healing.

Thank you again to each one who joined in last nights Prayer Vigil for Elizabeth and some of the other kids. I just don't think God ever gets tired of hearing from us!!!

Pray and Pray some more....

Goodnight sweet kiddo's, may God's healing hand be on each of you tonight :)


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bumps In The Road.... God Will Carry You Through!

Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.
Psalm 103:2-3

Thank you to all of the wonderful prayer warriors who joined us tonight for a prayer night for Elizabeth. I know God heard our pleas and I have faith that He will answer them in His own time. For those of you who were not able to join in, I will share a few of the things that we prayed together for. First let me say we were honored to have Trevor V's mom, Pam, and also Elizabeth's mom, Michelle join us tonight. It was wonderful to pray with them and for them. We also included Alex Denton in our prayers. They got the news today that his cancer is back. Jennifer has posted the game plan for Alex, please read his page and PLEASE leave them a message on their site to let them know you are praying for them. We also had special prayers for Dr. Sara and Dr. Scott. Both of these doctors go above and beyond to make their families feel peace in times of "road blocks". These doctors are very special to the families at St Jude and St Jude is so very blessed to have them on staff. Please include these doctors and also each doctor, nurse and complete medical staff at St Jude. They are so special, and I have not ever seen any like them. They need our prayers too.

Mallerie got to move back to transplant!!! YEA FOR MAL!!!! I had a few minutes to pop in and check on her today. She had some visitors from home and she looked quite pleased. She looked great!!! She even had on some makeup today... I'm wondering if she has a fellow in sight!!! Just teasing Mal! Thank You Lord, for hearing the prayers of so many for Mallerie's healing.

Michelle wrote an excellent update this afternoon explaining as best as they can tell, what is going on with Elizabeth. Please read it. As of tonight during our prayer time, things were the same. Elizabeth is stable but critical. She needs our prayers. Hopefully they will know more exactly what they are dealing with in the next few days as these cultures have time to grow.
PRAY for Elizabeth, Michelle, DJ, Andrew and Charlie. Also, please keep their family in prayer as they are traveling to Memphis to be with the Elizabeth. That little girl is loved by soooooo many!!!

Our little Trevor was here today for his MRI, I got to see them for a few minutes but did not get to see them after the MRI and before they had to get to the airport to return home. I will call Melinda in the morning and see what the MRI showed. Trevor looked great and Melinda said the pain had been very little! Thank You Lord for that!

Okay, it's been a long day. God's grace and power has been seen today in so many ways. Please continue to pray for each of the families here. I do want to share this with you.... I had the opportunity to sit with Michelle today as she pulled up Elizabeth's caringbridge site to update it. She went straight to the guestbook and began to read each entry. Until you sit and watch the face of a parent reading comments and prayers left in their guestbook, you will NEVER know how much each one means to the parents. Smiles, maybe the first smiles of the day; tears, good tears happy tears knowing that a perfect stranger from across the world is praying for their just can not know how much encouragement and hope your messages bring to the families. Please take a few minutes each day and let them know you are praying for them.

Have a good nights rest! I am praying for a good nights healing peace on these children.



In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26

They did an MRI and determined that Elizabeth did not have a stroke this morning, but rather multiple seizures. They feel that all of this is due from a fungal infection that is attacking her body, kidney's, liver and brain. They has been on a fungal infection medication, but they have changed it to another one now. She is stabel and resting. She is on a vent, and will stay on it for a few days to let her body rest and heal. Please keep praying, she needs for this to be a treatable fungal infection. The next few days will tell them alot.



Please get on your knee's at this time and pray for Elizabeth and her family. I just received a phone call, she has been taken up to ICU. She is having seizures and her brain is bleeding. I will update when I can I am on my way to the hospital now.

Thank you, please pass this along to any prayer warriors you know.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Enjoy The Day!

Good Morning!

I trust that each and everyone had a safe and fun filled July 4th celebration weekend. As for me and my family, we enjoyed our week at Pickwick with my brother and his family and our mother. I always enjoy our time at the lakehouse, but I do miss all of the St Jude kiddo's when I am gone.

Trevor had a fabulous weekend with his donor! She flew in to Memphis on Friday and stayed until Sunday. I did not get to meet her since I was gone but I have heard wonderful reports about their visit. I am excited for both of them, they have such a special bond and I think they have a lifelong relationship to enjoy and cherish.

I have not seen anyone yet, I returned home last night around 10:00 and today I was busy at the Dunford's new Memphis home. They have really been working hard and are really beginning to look like they have been in this house for years. It is a beautiful home and just absolutely PERFECT for their family and their needs at this time. Elizabeth has just not been feeling like herself the past few weeks, but maybe getting all of her family back together under the same roof and when the move is over and all is settled, my prayer is she will settle and feel better. She has appointments at the hossy in the morning, I do hope and pray that they can determine why she is not feeling so well. Please pray for her and for her to feel better really soon.

I hope to make my visits and check on everyone in the next few days. Tomorrow is Garrett's 16th birthday, so tomorrow is HIS day. Truck shopping and bday party tomorrow night. Bonfire and cookout... hope we can pull it off as a surprise!!!!
If we dont, oh well, hopefully he will enjoy it anyway, Happy Biirthday Garrett :)

Have a great week!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy July 4th!! - PART 2


Something else just shared by a fellow prayer warrior..... "RELAX..... GOD IS IN CONTROL!" Amen, can I hear an AMEN from you?????

Father God, open the eyes of my heart that I might know You better. Help me hear Your voice and see Your handiwork in my life more clearly. Help me to never get lulled into the rhythm of life and become immune to Your gentle nudges. I pray Your words will be fresh and new every time I read them. I cry out with the psalmist, David, "Awake my soul!" I pray that I will be alert to the spiritual workings around me and on guard with the Sword of the Spirit ready to meet whatever comes. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

This prayer was shared with me by one of our wonderful prayer warrior's who has walked in the same shoes as most of our families we follow here on this site. I just loved this prayer, I need to pray this prayer daily and accept whatever comes my way in a christian way, with a christian heart. Thank you for sharing!!

I hope that each of you are getting ready for a wonderful holiday weekend. Enjoy your family, be safe in your activities. We are out of town, yes again, and getting ready to be with some of our family for the weekend. We have several July birthdays in our family, so we try to get together and have one big July birthday gathering. Speaking of birthday, I hope each of you have had a chance to read up on Jordan's update. Jordan will be turing TWO tomorrow. So hard to believe, but he is growing up right in front our eyes. We are so thankful that he is healthy and we look forward to him celebrating many many more birthdays.

The holidays come and go, and we celebrate and gather with our friends and family, but I want to encourage each of you to keep our families in your hearts and prayers. For some of them it is their first holiday to have to be away from home and in the hospital, for others it is yet ANOTHER holiday that they will find themselves away from those they love and want to be with so much. Please let them know you are thinking about them and they still have prayer warriors praying for them. Holidays can be really lonely for these families.

I have not seen Mallerie this week, but I have heard through the grapevine that she had a better day yesterday, hopefully each day will be better and she will be out of ICU and back over in the Chili's Center really soon. I sure miss her sweet smile when I don't see her. Please keep lifting her up in prayer for her lungs to be healed. I again want to say thank you for each of you who joined us in prayer on Monday night to lift up Mallerie to God for His healing. Prayer Works.....

Please, please keep Elizabeth and her family in your prayers... maybe a little overtime right now. They have so much going on right now. Elizabeth had a second liver biopsy yesterday and as you can only imagine, the family is on pins and needles awaiting the results from this biopsy. I spoke with Michelle this morning and she is very concerned, and has knot's in her stomach waiting for the results to come in and to know what they are facing. Please pray for her peace and for God to hold her in his arms during this time. Elizabeth has now been inpatient for another week... thank goodness Michelle's mom was able to come this week to help her out. Also, to add more to this sweet family..... they have made the decision to move their family to the Memphis area to be closer to St Jude and also still be able to carry on a somewhat normal life. Honestly, is that even possible.... even a "somewhat" normal life when you have a child on a journey with cancer???? DJ has been back home the past few days packing their house up and loading it on to A truck.... well as of this morning, the ONE truck has turned into 2 trucks and 2 trailers!!!! And they are not finished yet, so who knows? At this time, the plan is for him along with a family member to drive the trucks pulling the trailers back tomorrow and trying to get the furniture and boxes unloaded and into the house tomorrow afternoon. Please keep them in your prayers, it is alot going on at one time but they are strong and have a very strong faith and know that God has in hand in all of this. Stop and think about this one.... in todays economy, they put their house on the market on the fourth of June and got a contract on it I think by the 12th of June!!!! Keep in mind, Michelle has not even been home in that house in a year!!!! DJ must have done a great job getting the house ready to put on the market. God is so AWESOME and works in wonderful ways. Please be praying for this move and transition for their family.

If you have not seen the latest video "I Wanna Go Home" made by Pam and Trevor.... it is a BLOCKBUSTER MUST SEE!!!! Go to his cb page and check it out..... It will provide you with your laugh and your cry for the day. It is funny, but to stop and think they JUST WANT TO GO HOME!!!! It rips your heart out to think, he just wants to be a normal guy, with a normal life AT HOME!! Please pray for them to hear the words they so want to hear..... GO HOME!!!! We love you Trevor, but we want you to be able to GO HOME too!!!!

Reagan is having a really good time, it's one big party at their house. I am so thankful that her family is so devoted to making everyday a wonderful day for Reagan and the entire family. She is feeling well, and going full force. Keep them in your heart and in prayer.

Morgan is LOVING being at home and getting back into the normal routine of things. She is anxiously waiting for her car, people in her area..... beware of the new driver on the road!!!! Good luck Morgan, we are all so happy for you!!!

Great News for Alex and Dax.... they are doing well and Dax got a great report and I think he will be heading home soon. Please keep all of these kiddo's in prayer..... Salena is doing great and they were hoping for a pass to go home for the holiday weekend! I know that will do both LaDonna and Salena alot of good.

I just got a text from Jordan's grandmom... I'll share it with you in closing today

"Good Morning! I wanted to share my breakfast with you. A plate of love. A bowl of peace. A spoon of hope. A fork of care. A glass of prayer. Now you share!"

Have a great holiday weekend!